If it has your name on it, then you need a copy. If it affects your health, paycheck, or other element of well-being, then you need two copies. The Marine Corps, especially CPAC likes to loose records... Honestly, I think it's hobby of theirs. The Military in general buy the cheapest Dell's out there that are always crashing, and you know TriCare and those folks in the DEERS office just need to see a piece of 80 bond under their noses to get anything done. I can't tell you how many times CPAC and TriCare have lost our paperwork.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Don't leave it up to them.
If it has your name on it, then you need a copy. If it affects your health, paycheck, or other element of well-being, then you need two copies. The Marine Corps, especially CPAC likes to loose records... Honestly, I think it's hobby of theirs. The Military in general buy the cheapest Dell's out there that are always crashing, and you know TriCare and those folks in the DEERS office just need to see a piece of 80 bond under their noses to get anything done. I can't tell you how many times CPAC and TriCare have lost our paperwork.
4:13 PM

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Don't believe anything NOT in writing.
One major thing I learned going through two deployments, rumors abound in any unit. Morale dips and rises according to what the CO says and does or doesn't say and doesn't do. As one fellow wife remarked to me, "I don't believe anything my husband says until he brings home orders, in triplicate." I think that's great advice.
4:13 PM

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Adjust, adapt, overcome
"Adjust, Adapt, Overcome"
Yes I know it's an Army saying...
But I think it applys to Marine wives very well
Yes I know it's an Army saying...
But I think it applys to Marine wives very well
4:16 PM

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