Well as most of you know, I was in a car accident this past weekend... Everyone keeps asking me what happened, so here's the story... So I was drivin back to base from the Walmart in the foothills (Goin East on 32nd street). I stopped at a red light on 3E in the left turn lane. When the arrow turned green, I slowly started to accelerate (maybe going 0-5 MPH). When I saw a car coming towards the intersection (Goin West on 32nd) and noticed it didn't look like it was gunna stop, I slammed on my breaks and laid on the horn. At the moment I saw her come through the intersection, I knew she was gunna hit me, I twisted around to brace Makayla for the impact and a couple times and she hit us again and we came to a stop. The thing that irritates me off the most was that she made absolutely NO attempt to stop, not when I was laying on my horn or anything... She didn't even swerve... Just hit me head on. Well my car's totaled... She was drivin some tank and only had bumper damage (atleast from what I could see)... My car's TRASHED!!! I couldn't even open my front door... I had to get the baby and shimmy over the back of the drivers seat and out the back door... The lady just stood there saying, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, it's my fault" ...Well that's a BIG no duh lady, seeing how you ran the red light. I heard her telling the cops, "I didn't even see her." That statement alone just flat out scares me... HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE A RED LIGHT LET ALONE A CAR IN THE MIDDLE OF A BAM!!! She hit us going 45+ MPH (now remember we had come to a complete stop at that point), the car spunN INTERSECTION??? If she truly couldn't see me, she seriously needs to have her license revoked!!! Thank GOD I slammed on my breaks in the middle of the intersection, cuz had I kept going at the slow speed I was, she wouldn't have hit the front of my car, she would have hit RIGHT where Makayla was sitting... And by the looks of the front of my car, I don't even want to think what would have happened to Makayla... But I can tell you this much... That lady wouldn't have walked away from the accident... And not because of the force of the impact.As far as me and Makayla go... Well Makayla's totally fine... At least as far as everyone can tell... She hasn't been any crankier then usual, no cuts or bruises... I however am pretty soar... I went down to urgent care on Sunday, I got some Tylenol with codeine and some mild muscle relaxers... It's been helping, really it's only my ankle and neck/upper back that hurts now, and not nearly as bad as before the medication... I think Wednesday I'm gunna try to get down to base medical and see if I can get a referral to a massage therapist or sumthin... My back's all kinda messed up.So anywayz, I have no idea what's gunna go on with insurance... Cuz of the holiday weekend they couldn't do anything... And for some reason I haven't been able to get a hold of anyone today. I'm really gettin irritated about this whole thing... I mean, good thing I don't need a rental car... cuz I would be livid if they waited this long to get back to me.I went down to the tow yard to say my goodbyes, and gather the rest of my stuff that was left in the car... I was kinda irritated, cuz after the storm we had Sunday morning, the guy who towed my car left ALL my windows rolled down and now the car reeks... So in the off chance that it's not toatled, I'm gunna be livid if they just give me back the car that went through hurracane winds and pouring rain.
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