So we moved in Thursday around 3:30 PM. The house was totally trashed, completely FILTHY! It had not been cleaned since the previous tenets left a week prior. The district manager wanted to do the walk through with us cuz it was so bad. Well she listed some things that she personally wanted fixed or replaced like the kitchen counter tops, she wanted the old tenets garbage removed from the front yard and she wanted a general cleaning done of the place. Well all this crap irritated me enough... As far as we knew at the time, the only things wrong with the house were comedic. I expected to move into a house of the same quality and cleanliness as the one we moved out of in Yuma... But obviously that wasn't the case. So we were told that someone would be by that day or the next to pick up the trash and to install new blinds on one of our front windows since it was missing and EVERYONE can see into the house.
Well Friday morning I got up to shower and while trying to clean some black gunk out of the master bathtub I discovered that the drain was so clogged that it wasn't draining at all. So I called Mike in to screw off the top of the drain and MAN it was disgusting! Not only was the thing COMPLETELY clogged with hair, there was that clear green grass like the kind used in Easter Baskets, toilet paper and what looked like fake moss (like used in fake plants). So when the cleaning folks came over that morning we had them remove that and clean the bathrooms. We also told them that there was mold on the stairs that needed to be scrubbed off and the floor downstairs was completely filthy (looked like it had never been moped before). Well the cleaners didn't really do much, they scrubbed a few stains that were on the hard wood floor and like we thought, they couldn't be removed. The lady tried gettin all the mold on the stairs up but said we'd have to talk to housing about that cut it was IN the wood... And then she said there wasn't much she could do for the downstairs floor... She said it was too old, and scratched up and just needed to be replaced.
- Oven leaking
- Oven/Stove exhaust vent missing cover
- Oven covers NASTY & caked in crap!
- Dishwasher sitting completely crooked
- Kitchen sink drips
- Replace kitchen counter tops (previously used as a cutting board and stained)
- The bottom of the front door frame is COMPLETELY rotted
- Replace ALL vinal flooring downstairs (DEEP scratches, stained and covered in holes)
- Light over laundry room burn out
- Backyard lights burn
- Front storage room light burnt out
- Wooden door knobs NOT painted (paint white)
- Bottom step completely chewed by dog
- Mold growing on stairs
- Rail on stairs filthy and marked with permanent marker. (sand and refinish)
- Master bath door rotted on bottom
- Master bathroom bench covered in stairs and marks (stain and refinish)
- Stains and deep scratches in floor of master bedroom
- DEEP scratches in upstairs hall
- Upstairs bath, broken bathtub faucet knob
- Upstairs bath, shower head clogged with hard water (hardly works)
- 2nd bedroom closet off track.
- 3rd bedroom door knob broken (wont lock in door)
- 3rd bedroom closet door wont close.
Most of it they said they would fix... But as far as the mold on the stair case (which was a huge concern of mine) they said they couldn't really do much cuz "it's on the s tairs" WTF kinda excuse is that??? A lot of the stuff they said they'd send the maintenance manager over Tuesday to look at but they promised that they'd send someone over before the end of the day (3:30pm) to remove the garbage from the front of our house... Well 3:30pm came and went and the garbage is STILL sitting there. Ugh, it was soooooo nasty and there are soooo many flys all over our downstairs and it STINKS! Yuck!
Ok, so Saturday was an interesting day... There was nuthin much we could do about everything wrong with our house since every one had a 3 day weekend. So we decided to go furniture shopping... So I got up and showered in the master bath, then Mike got up and showered while I went downstairs to fix the baby some food. Well when I walked downstairs I saw a HUGE Puddle of water in front of the front door (BTW, it had been sprinkling all night)... So I went upstairs, told Mike to hurry up with his shower and to come look at the door that was leaking. Well we ended up having to call the 1800 number cuz the dripping wouldn't stop even though it had stopped leaking outside. When the after hours maintenance guy came by, he said that the water wasn't from the rain outside, that it was from the piping that leads to the master bath, but that there was nuthin he could do for us, that we'd have to just not use that shower and wait till Tuesday when the plummer was workin. UGH!

Well later last night Mike was in the master bathroom and noticed that a lower part of the wall between the bathtub and the door looked different then the rest... Like it had been plastered and sloppily painted.So he poked at it and surprise surprise it was completely damp and his finger went through. So he pulled it out, and pulled the wet part of the plaster off and low and behold MOLD!!!
Well I was livid at this point... First mold on the stairs they they try to brush off as "it house and it's on the stairs, there's nuthin we can do about it" But now it's been proven that the stupid bathrooms leaking and it obviously has been for a while cuz that mold didn' looking for some sign on mold on that wall... Well yesterday
I went to close the air vents (they're on the floor) and NASTYNESS black MOLD!!! all over the one in the master bedroom... So that right there proved to me that there's mold all in that front wall but the leak it's self was about 15 feet away from where the vent appear within a few hrs. Well I just KNEW it was all in the wall (it's the front wall of the house) I kept looking andt is... YUCK! I can't wait till Tuesday..'s an old. We're goin down to the office and demanding a new house cuz there's NO WAY that they can properly isolate, remove and dispose of the mold that's infesting that front wall with us living here! They have till Thursday to find us a new house... I've already had to reschedule our Direct TV set up, and our furniture delivery (We bought some new La-Z-Boy furniture Saturday) but our unaccompanied baggage (furniture, boxes, etc) is scheduled to arrive some time Thursday and that I CAN NOT RESCHEDULE!

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