Since we'll be on vacation from December 14th through January 2nd, we decided to exchange gifts early this year rather then haul a bunch of unnecessary things from here to Cleveland then to Cali and then back.

We bought Makayla a reall pots, pans, utensils, an apron, an aqua doodle and a play dirt devil vacuum. My mom got her a pink toaster, coffee maky cute wooden kitchen, play food,er and mixer; and my grandparents got her a tricycle that I've still yet to figure out how to put together :-(
I got Mike a home gym, a really big Cleveland Browns rug, a tool box, power drill, measuring tape and a bunch of hot sauce and my grandparents sent him a REALLY nice her electric shaver.

Mike got me a BUNCH of stuff. Before you read the list you gotta know that i'm working on makin my kitchin ALL pink. I've already got a pink coffee maker and toaster and a lot of small pink odds and inns. Well Mike got me a couple pink serving platters, a set of tall drinking glasses with a pink tint to them and short tumblers. He got me Cuisinart's compleat pink utensils set, a pink collander, pink tea pot, tea kettle, some pink stalk pots, pink measuring spoons and cups, a really nice set of BIG pink coffee c

ups and a couple of pink and brown oven mitts. My grandpa got me a coffee grinder and the biggest bag of Starbucks coffee that I've ever seen. and my grandma got us the prettiest sounding wind chime I've ever heard. It's like huge and has a really deep sound... I'm excited to put it up when we return home.
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