On the 16th we drove to Cleveland (It took us 9 hrs) and we stayed there over night in Mike's friend's house. The next morning, we left at 5am and caught a flight to Los Angalas. Like I expected it was chaotic at the air port... I guess I don't really have room to complain, it was just general stereotypical rudeness from airline employees.

Later that week we took Makayla to Crystal Court to see Santa... Yeah, she didn't seem to care for him too much... I think Santa may have been drunk, he was just REALLY weird. Other then that, Makayla seemed to enjoy Christmas. She decided that she LOVES opening presents, which was great cuz she had MORE then enough to open at my mom's house.
So we left Cali on the 27th, like early early in the morning. OMG, that was the worst experience I've EVER had at an airport! First, it was early, dark, windy and really cold outside. My mom talked me into checking in with those guys who stand outside by the curb (don't know what they're called) cuz supposedly they don't weigh your crap cuz we were like all worried that our luggage would be over the 50 lb limit that Continental allows. Well the guy ends up weighing it and tells us that he can't help us and just turns his back. After standing there like a couple schmucks cuz Me and Mike have got the baby and 6 bags, finally the guy tells us to move and says he'll help drag our bags inside to the check baggage line cuz they probably wont weigh them. SO we weight in line FOR EVER, finally we get up there, the guy puts our bags on the scale, but hanging half off, it says "43 lbs" he pulls it off and just as he's about to tag it, the IDIOT from out front comes up to him, whispers something in his ear and the guy puts out bag BACK on the scale and says "it's 65lbs, that's gunna be a $25 charge" OMG I was soooooo MAD! If that IDIOT from out front hadn't said anything, we wouldn't have been charged cuz that guy didn't give a crap. Well then the idiot tells him to weigh our other large bag cuz it was heavy and walked away... Well surprise surprise it was 55lbs, so we were charged another $25! So that just ruined the whole flight for me. So when we get to Cleveland and we're standing there weighting for our bags to come around on the little convayer belt thingy... Well low and behold, here comes my bag, OPEN with all my crap SPILLING out!!! Those idiots charged me $25 cuz it was "heavy" and then they must have grabbed it by the zipper and completely broke it! THEN my BRAND NEW BAG (the other one I was charged $25 for) comes around and has got a huge hole in the freakin front of it!!! So I guess I pay $50 for them to TRASH my bags?!? Oh but it gets better! I go to complain, and I'm told that they will NOT repair it or cover the charges cuz they were "full"!!! So I don't know what I'm gunna do about that... They just ruined my two largest suit-cases and... Ugh, I just don't know... That hole thing just irritates me...
Anywayz, we spent a week in Cleveland with Mike's family. Didn't do a whole lot, just went between his family and friend's houses. So we finally get home... I go to relax and I mean just to top off everything... Mike's goin through the mail and I guess RIGHT after we left the AZ DMV sent us a letter saying that they were doin random insurance checks and if we didn't mail that letter back with proof of insurance within 15 days our registration would be canceled... Well it's been WELL over 15 days... GREAT so who cares that we JUST payed for a 2 year registration 2 months ago, it's invalid now! Now we get to go and pay $200 or whatever for a VA registration. So yeah, after a 3+ week vacation i'm definably glad to be home. There's so much I have to do, i'd like to get as much as I can done tomorrow, before Mike's gotta go check back in on Thursday.
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