View and Opera talking about her new cookbook where she hides veggies in her kids food, I immediately got excited. I mean, hello, I am the inventor of the yummy (well according to Makayla) Spanish Waffles! This book just screamed my name!So Opera had a few of the recipes on her website and I just had to try out the Spanish Brownies [see her site].
So yesterday I decided to try to Banana Bread with pureed cauliflower in it... I did however add Walnuts to make it Banana NUT Bread and I thought it was quite yummy... Mike said "it was dryer then [my] normal banana nut bread", which I typically make with yeast and in the bread maker. My next baking venture will be the Chocolate Chip cookies with Garbanzo beans.
If you want any of the recipes not on Opera’s site... Let me know, i’ll photocopy the page in my book for you.
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