So Ms. Makayla turned 2 years old today! I still can't believe it!
It seems like just yesterday I was planning her first birthday party!
And now, today she's running around the house shouting,
"Mummy this! Mummy this!" Holding up her 2 fingers.
She's just growing up sooooo fast!!!
And now, today she's running around the house shouting,
"Mummy this! Mummy this!" Holding up her 2 fingers.
She's just growing up sooooo fast!!!
Her vocabulary now consists of: Mummy, Daddy, Grandma, Momo (the dog's name), Joe (from Blues Clues), Baby, Ball, Book, Yeah, Yes, No, Go, Okay, This, There, Think, Have, Pretty, Sit, Dance, Uhh-oh, Ouch, Wow, Weee (if that counts), Please, Thank you, Hello, Bye bye, "A Clue" (learned from Blues Clues) Out, Car, Plane, Vroom, Door, Bed, Phone, Pen, Kay-On (Crayon), Apple juice, Banana, Chee-Ohhs (Cherios), Cereal, Chicken, Chip, Cheese, Gogurt (Yogurt), Soup, Imma (Lima) Beans, Triscits, Cookie, Almonds, Tree, Shoes, Hat, Hair, Teeth, Ear, Eye, Butt, Poop, Blue, Doggy, Pig, Bird, Bob Bob (Sponge Bob), Bath, Bubble, and she says "One, two, teee (three)". She says quite a few other words, but these tend to be the ones that she says the most.
She'll put short phrases together like, "I love you", "Mummy Pee", "Oh shesh" (Which sometimes sounds like "Oh Shit"), "Blues Clues", "Hello Grandma", "Come on Mo!", "Not right now" (Probably the phraise I say most to her), "Change it" (talking about the TV channel), "What is this", "what's that?", "I don't know", "right there" (probably her favorite phrase), "butt bomb" (haha don't ask), And I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.
She knows what sounds a doggy, kitty, sheep, goat, duck, pig, frog, cow, rabbit and Santa make. She knows where her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, hair, tummy, butt, fingers, toes, hands and feet are! She does simple tasks like put away her toys or go and get something like her shoes when asked. She can only count to three right now, but we're workin on it... And I'm pretty sure the only color she knows is blue. HaHa.
She can sing (hum) the tune to ABC's, The Doodlebops theme (can also do the dance, even tries to breakdance like Moe), Little Einstines theme, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Lazy Town, a couple of the songs in Bunny Town... And she knows not only the tune and the majority of the words, but can also do all the hand gestures/dances that go along with the Blues Clues theme ("Another Blues Clues day"), "Playing Blues Clues", Blues Clues "Mail Song", Blues Clues "goodbye"... Can ya tell she's way obsessed with Blues Clues?

She can now dress herself. Although her pants are usually on backwards and her shirts are on inside out. But I guess that's an improvement from last month when she kept insisting on putting her shirts on as skirts. And she can now get her shoe's on the correct feet... Usually. HaHa.
Other then that, Makayla is getting SOOOOO big. She weighs 32 lbs and is 36" tall. She wears mostly 3T pants and dresses but can still fit in most 24m/2T tops (even some 18m if they're long enough). But what seems to amaze everyone the most... She has to wear size 8-9 shoes! Poor thing, she got damned with my freaky big feet... Good thing I've got a lot of size 11 shoes to hand down to her.
She'll put short phrases together like, "I love you", "Mummy Pee", "Oh shesh" (Which sometimes sounds like "Oh Shit"), "Blues Clues", "Hello Grandma", "Come on Mo!", "Not right now" (Probably the phraise I say most to her), "Change it" (talking about the TV channel), "What is this", "what's that?", "I don't know", "right there" (probably her favorite phrase), "butt bomb" (haha don't ask), And I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.
She knows what sounds a doggy, kitty, sheep, goat, duck, pig, frog, cow, rabbit and Santa make. She knows where her eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, hair, tummy, butt, fingers, toes, hands and feet are! She does simple tasks like put away her toys or go and get something like her shoes when asked. She can only count to three right now, but we're workin on it... And I'm pretty sure the only color she knows is blue. HaHa.
She can sing (hum) the tune to ABC's, The Doodlebops theme (can also do the dance, even tries to breakdance like Moe), Little Einstines theme, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Lazy Town, a couple of the songs in Bunny Town... And she knows not only the tune and the majority of the words, but can also do all the hand gestures/dances that go along with the Blues Clues theme ("Another Blues Clues day"), "Playing Blues Clues", Blues Clues "Mail Song", Blues Clues "goodbye"... Can ya tell she's way obsessed with Blues Clues?
She can now dress herself. Although her pants are usually on backwards and her shirts are on inside out. But I guess that's an improvement from last month when she kept insisting on putting her shirts on as skirts. And she can now get her shoe's on the correct feet... Usually. HaHa.
Other then that, Makayla is getting SOOOOO big. She weighs 32 lbs and is 36" tall. She wears mostly 3T pants and dresses but can still fit in most 24m/2T tops (even some 18m if they're long enough). But what seems to amaze everyone the most... She has to wear size 8-9 shoes! Poor thing, she got damned with my freaky big feet... Good thing I've got a lot of size 11 shoes to hand down to her.
Well anywayz, Makayla's been sleeping in her "big girl bed" (the twin bed) since March 7th. Both at bed time and at nap time. She does so well. The first night we had to rock her to sleep and go in there a couple times to put her back in bed... But she was out cold within 20 mins. After that, things went as smoothly as when we were putting her in her playpen. It was a little harder to get her to sleep at nap time... The first day I went to check on her and found her passed out on the floor blocking the door. Poor thing. But since then things have slowly gotten better. She's now to the point we just go and lay her down, she'll usually get up once, check under the door to see if she can see us, then just gets back in her bed, and I guess, just goes to sleep.
As far as potty training goes, I am so proud of her! She just really took to it! We worked on potty training for exactly 14 days and she totally had it down! She really only has to wear diapers on long car trips and at nap/bed time. She'll usually ask to go to the bathroom by saying "Mummy Pee" and leading me to the bathroom to open the door for her. We're still working on the whole poop thing. She's only done a 2 in the big girl potty, twice, but I don't know, I'm not really pushing it right now, so I'm not worried.

So I've been looking into preschools around here since the majority of the private ones start at 2 1/2 which means she'd start next October... But she needs to get registared now so insure her spot will be held since she can't start till after the school year. We really haven't decided exactly what we're going to do right now. I've decided against the "summer camp" at the Armed Services YMCA "preschool" cuz really, it just seemed more like a day care to me then an actual preschool. You just drop your kid off at 8 and pick them up at 5... And this is 5 days a week? Yeah, that's day care... Not "preschool." And I really don't feel day care's approperate for children. I always figured you had the kids, you should raise them yourself rather then dump them on someone else (and yes there are exceptions).
Anywayz, i think I'm going to wait till the end of October and send her to the Southern Baptist school on the other side of town... I was planning on sending her to Norfolk Christian Sept of 09, but they've seemed to raise their tuition. They were $999 a year for K3 (3 half days) but they've changed it to $1020 and only 2 half days which I'm kinda bummed about... I guess that's better then the other school I was looking at, Calvary Christian, which I would have LOVED to send her to cuz it's less then a block from our house, but I think $5200 for K3-K4 and $5518 for K5-5th is CRAZY expensive. I'm gunna make one attempt to get a job there to see what kind of tuition discount I can get... If it's only 10% i'm not even going to bother and she's just going to the Southern Baptist school.
Anywayz, another reason I'm wantin her to start preschool at 2 1/2 is cuz I haven't found too many play groups around here. There's no play groups sponsered by the NMCRS or Fleet and Family Services/MCCS... There's a monthly one held at the "community center" (AKA housing office)... I'm not too impressed. The last get-together they had a story time in the play room, but the kids weren't allowed to play with the toys... So that didn't go over to well with Makayla (or the other kids her age)... Then they took everyone into another room where there was a Color Me Mine representative there who had ceramic stuff for the kids to paint... Although no one was told the kids would be painting, so half of us ended up leaving cuz we didn't feel like TRYING to get what were most likely TOXIC glazes out of our toddler/babies good clothes. So anywayz, I've scheduled Makayla to start in a toddlers tumblers class starting mid-May, hopefully to socialize her a little more since she hasn't had much interaction with kids her age since we moved here. I just wish places like the zoo, library and children's museum would have programs for 2 year olds... But everything but tumblers starts at 3... Which kinda sucks.

But anywayz, i'm really sad to see the first 2 years pass... But i'm really excited to see what this next year holds. She's learned so much here in the past 2 or 3 weeks and i'm really excited to see how much more she'll bloom in the upcomming months.
As far as potty training goes, I am so proud of her! She just really took to it! We worked on potty training for exactly 14 days and she totally had it down! She really only has to wear diapers on long car trips and at nap/bed time. She'll usually ask to go to the bathroom by saying "Mummy Pee" and leading me to the bathroom to open the door for her. We're still working on the whole poop thing. She's only done a 2 in the big girl potty, twice, but I don't know, I'm not really pushing it right now, so I'm not worried.
So I've been looking into preschools around here since the majority of the private ones start at 2 1/2 which means she'd start next October... But she needs to get registared now so insure her spot will be held since she can't start till after the school year. We really haven't decided exactly what we're going to do right now. I've decided against the "summer camp" at the Armed Services YMCA "preschool" cuz really, it just seemed more like a day care to me then an actual preschool. You just drop your kid off at 8 and pick them up at 5... And this is 5 days a week? Yeah, that's day care... Not "preschool." And I really don't feel day care's approperate for children. I always figured you had the kids, you should raise them yourself rather then dump them on someone else (and yes there are exceptions).
Anywayz, i think I'm going to wait till the end of October and send her to the Southern Baptist school on the other side of town... I was planning on sending her to Norfolk Christian Sept of 09, but they've seemed to raise their tuition. They were $999 a year for K3 (3 half days) but they've changed it to $1020 and only 2 half days which I'm kinda bummed about... I guess that's better then the other school I was looking at, Calvary Christian, which I would have LOVED to send her to cuz it's less then a block from our house, but I think $5200 for K3-K4 and $5518 for K5-5th is CRAZY expensive. I'm gunna make one attempt to get a job there to see what kind of tuition discount I can get... If it's only 10% i'm not even going to bother and she's just going to the Southern Baptist school.
Anywayz, another reason I'm wantin her to start preschool at 2 1/2 is cuz I haven't found too many play groups around here. There's no play groups sponsered by the NMCRS or Fleet and Family Services/MCCS... There's a monthly one held at the "community center" (AKA housing office)... I'm not too impressed. The last get-together they had a story time in the play room, but the kids weren't allowed to play with the toys... So that didn't go over to well with Makayla (or the other kids her age)... Then they took everyone into another room where there was a Color Me Mine representative there who had ceramic stuff for the kids to paint... Although no one was told the kids would be painting, so half of us ended up leaving cuz we didn't feel like TRYING to get what were most likely TOXIC glazes out of our toddler/babies good clothes. So anywayz, I've scheduled Makayla to start in a toddlers tumblers class starting mid-May, hopefully to socialize her a little more since she hasn't had much interaction with kids her age since we moved here. I just wish places like the zoo, library and children's museum would have programs for 2 year olds... But everything but tumblers starts at 3... Which kinda sucks.
But anywayz, i'm really sad to see the first 2 years pass... But i'm really excited to see what this next year holds. She's learned so much here in the past 2 or 3 weeks and i'm really excited to see how much more she'll bloom in the upcomming months.
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