So we kicked off Memorial Day weekend by spending the day at the "Pungo Strawberry Festival". Not sure why we hadn't been to that area of Virginia Beach before... It was actually really cute. Five minutes from the beach, and maybe 10 minutes from Down Town... But you totally got the "small farm town" feel. Makayla had TONS of fun! The place was beyond packed.

Makayla made friends with "the pig man" who let her in the pig's pen to pet the, rather large, pig. She ate a whole grilled corn and half my strawberry smoothie... Kept asking for the kettle corn we saw everybody walking around with, but we never did find that vendor, so the poor thing had to go without. And then was all for going with some stranger who asked her to go dance at one of the outdoor

stages. She's the short one with the white hat on in the picture on the left. This is defiantly one even we're going to be sure to attend for the remainder of our stay here in Virginia.
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