Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Gettin ready for ballet

So we go down there, she gets assessed and the director of the academy decides to place her in the 3-4 class. WOW! She clearly didn't inherit my dancing skills... Or lack there of. She also got fitted for her ballet slippers and a cute little liatard and tights and skirt. Oh man, i'm so excited. I can't wait till the 8th. I'm so excited to see my little girl all dressed up, twirling around.

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Lifetime's Army Wives

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Military Wife Syndrome
By Anita Doberman: PNTonline.com
As if being a military wife is not difficult enough, I sometimes find myself wrestling with what I call the “super military wife syndrome.”
This condition lies dormant, but can become very aggressive when activated. It peaks during husbands’ deployments, when the sufferers attempt to become Super Heroes. In the wives who are affected, the symptoms usually manifest as taking on a million activities for the kids (all sorts of sports and play groups), and for one’s self (spouses club, squadron support functions, volunteering for parties, welcoming committee, parent-teacher groups), with the inevitable result of not being able to fulfill every obligation, and falling short of these unreachable standards.
The first sign that I am under the spell of this syndrome is an obsession for keeping things organized. I have an urge to box everything in sight into cute Pier One baskets (concurrent problem, I yearn to buy lots of expensive baskets). If I could, I would wrap my entire home in wicker. Having five children, ranging in age from newborn to 5 years old, two dogs and a cat, this is not an easy task. How many times a day can I tell my 2-year-old to put things in her own basket, and try to keep the house neat now that daddy is away?
Next, I attempt to become a super hero. I decide that I need to get more involved. Does any military spouse committee need volunteers? Should I host a coffee at my house? Should I help out with the thrift shop, run for president with the parent-teacher organization at my oldest daughter’s school?
I find myself trying to fill my imaginary basket with many impossible tasks while telling others that I am doing great. I can barely tell my husband is gone. I am so busy I forget when he is getting back, never mind the large Xs on my calendar — they are solely for my children’s peace of mind.
I see the same phenomenon in other military spouses. One of the wives in our squadron decided to change the carpeting in her home by herself before her husband got back from deployment. Her level of stress reached unparalleled heights. She had to call a professional shortly after attempting the impossible task and driving herself on the verge of a breakdown.
Another wife, who home-schools her children, decided to try and double up their schedules so they could be done with school work by the time her husband got back — they fell very behind.
One particular wife, immune from the super military wife syndrome, announced to other wives (which unbeknown to her were affected by the syndrome), that she could not handle the separation from her husband, and was going to move back home for a few months, until he got back. Her words echoed through our group and soon became gossip. “She cannot even drive herself home; her dad had to come and pick her up. She is going to seek professional help for her ‘problem.’ I have heard she wants to get a divorce.”
This wife’s actions accentuated our syndrome. Our response was the result of our inability to admit that we also needed some help. True, many of us did not have the luxury of going home to our parents (maybe we would not want to anyway), but this wife showed us she was not afraid to admit her fears.
The cure for the super military wife syndrome is found in her attitude. We may not be able to drop our world because our husbands deploy (in our squadron we would have to drop it every four to five months), but we can admit that we cannot do it all by ourselves, without feeling guilty or inadequate.
It is very difficult to be two parents at once; to continue with our usual roles and fulfill our husbands’ tasks at home — OK, the few that they have. In admitting that we need support and help, we find strength with other wives who step in and give us a helping hand, a good laugh, or a much-needed cry.
So, next time you are affected by the super military wife syndrome know there is a cure. And if anyone knows of a really large basket, I would love to get my hands on it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Military ID's
It's funny how just little things become part of your lifestyle. I miss not needing to leave the base. Now that I live off base it's another story. My military ID has become my most prized possession! You really can't do anything without it, lol. Also...Anything I do I'm no longer asked my name, or my birth date, or my social security number. I am known by Mike's social security number. Whether I am calling to get our plumbing fixed or making a doctors appointment that's the only information I give them. Recently I was on the phone with the bank and was asked my social and had the hardest time remembering mine!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dear inconsiderate neighbors
I understand you're excited about moving into your new house, but driving your Uhaul into our quiet community at 10:30PM and proceeding to unload it till midnight is not acceptable. Furthermore, I did not appreciate you leaving your 3 children, under the age of 12, to "hang out at the house" and roam the neighborhood at midnight. And to spite what you clearly believed, I did not enjoy it when you returned at 1AM and continued to unthoughtfully unpack the Uhaul and scream a your children for not helping. Nor did I fancy the 2:15 run to pick up more furniture and box's or when you turned at 3:30AM. Yes I was still awake to hear you yell at my fellow neighbors who were equally as agitated as me when they went out to ask you to keep it down. Let me tell you, after finally falling asleep somewhere around 4:00AM, I did not appreciate waking up at 6:50 to the sounds of dollies clanging against the decks of your Uhaul. Sir, you sure do know how to make a first impression. Unfortunatly for you, it was not a good one. Please note, we have strict curfews for children under the age of 18 and the City of Norfolk has noise ordinance set forth and I will not hesitate to call the police to have them enforce either.
You're bitch of a neighbor

Monday, July 21, 2008
Marine Corps FY09 EeEnlistment Bonus' are out!
By Jeff Schogol, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Saturday, July 29, 2006
ARLINGTON, Va. — The Marine Corps is expanding its selective re-enlistment bonus program, offering higher bonuses to some in hard-to-fill jobs and increasing the number of jobs for which bonuses are offered, said Maj. Jerry Morgan, who runs the Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program.
The changes affect both first-term Marines and career Marines — those who have already re-enlisted at least once, Morgan said. The award levels are based on a Marine’s specialty and time spent in the Corps. “So, obviously, the harder it is to retain a certain MOS, the higher the bonus,” said Maj. Trevor Hall, head of enlisted retention.
Under the changes in the SRB program for fiscal 2007 outlined in MARADMIN 334/06, the bonus for first-term Marine air traffic controllers has been increased from $24,000 to $40,000, Morgan said. Aviation specialties and other combat arms specialties will also see a boost.
In another change, Morgan said the maximum bonus has been raised from $45,000 to $60,000 for Marines in the following five military occupational specialities: counter intelligence, intelligence specialist, reconnaissance, explosive ordnance disposal and Middle East cryptologic linguist. “These are some of the most difficult to retain MOSs,” he said.
Bonuses are also going up for Marines whose specialties involve tanks, amphibious vehicles and artillery along with Marines in “high op-tempo MOSs,” such as engineers and motor vehicle operators, Morgan said.
Overall, 190 MOSs will rate a Selective Reenlistment Bonus in fiscal 2007, up from 183 in fiscal 2006, he said. The affected MOSs are listed in a Marine administrative message dated July 21, available at www.usmc.mil [MarAdmin]
The Marine Corps hopes to retain about 6,000 of the roughly 24,000 Marines approaching their first re-enlistment, Morgan said. Of those Marines who re-enlist, up to 5,000 will be eligible for an SRB, Morgan said. Hall said that 66 percent of Marines with between six and 10 years of service and 46 percent of Marines with between 10 and 14 years of service are also eligible for an SRB.
Officials did not have figures on how many Marines those percentages translate to but said the Marine Corps hopes to retain about 6,400 career Marines in fiscal 2007. “The Marine Corps fully expects to meet the FY ’07 goals,” Morgan said.
E3 and E4
0143 LM $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
0151 $9,000 $10,000 $11,500
0161 $5,500 $6,000 $7,000
0211 LM $60,000 $69,000 $79,000
0231 LM $60,000 $69,000 $79,000
0241 LM $0 $63,000 $72,000
0261 LM $60,000 $69,000 $79,000
0311 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
0313 $39,500 $45,000 $52,000
0321 LM $61,500 $71,000 $81,000
0331 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
0341 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
0351 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
0352 $46,000 $53,000 $61,000
0411 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
0431 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
0451 LM $53,000 $61,000 $70,000
0481 $36,000 $41,000 $47,500
0511 LM $53,000 $61,000 $70,000
0612 $32,500 $37,500 $43,000
0613 $10,500 $12,000 $13,500
0614 $32,500 $37,500 $43,000
0621 $32,500 $37,500 $43,000
0622 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
0623 $12,500 $14,000 $16,000
0627 LM $39,500 $45,000 $52,000
0628 LM $49,500 $57,000 $65,500
0651 LM $46,000 $53,000 $61,000
0656 LM $46,000 $53,000 $61,000
0689 LM $0 $0 $65,500
0811 $30,500 $35,500 $40,500
0842 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
0844 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
0847 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
0861 LM $61,500 $71,000 $81,000
1141 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000
1142 $15,500 $18,000 $20,500
1161 $15,500 $18,000 $20,500
1171 $9,000 $10,000 $11,500
1316 $15,500 $18,000 $20,500
1341 $15,500 $18,000 $20,500
1345 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
1361 $15,500 $18,000 $20,500
1371 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
1391 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
1812 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
1833 $30,500 $35,500 $40,500
2111 $9,000 $10,000 $11,500
2131 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
2141 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
2146 $39,500 $45,000 $52,000
2147 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
2161 $17,000 $19,500 $22,500
2171 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
2311 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
2336 LM $61,500 $71,000 $81,000
2621 LM $42,500 $49,000 $56,500
2631 LM $26,000 $29,500 $34,000
2651 LM $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
2671 LM $56,500 $65,000 $74,500
2673 LM $56,500 $65,000 $74,500
2674 $42,500 $49,000 $56,500
2676 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
2821 LM $58,000 $67,000 $76,500
2831 LM $56,500 $65,000 $74,500
2834 LM $60,000 $69,000 $79,000
2844 LM $47,500 $55,000 $63,000
2846 LM $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
2847 $44,000 $51,000 $58,500
2871/74 LM $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
2887 LM $58,000 $67,000 $76,500
3043 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
3044 LM $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
3381 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
3432 $26,000 $29,500 $34,000
3451 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
3521 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
3531 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
3533 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
4133 LM $0 $59,000 $67,500
4341 $34,000 $39,000 $45,000
4421 $15,500 $18,000 $20,500
4612 LM $42,500 $49,000 $56,500
4641 LM $42,500 $49,000 $56,500
4671 LM $47,500 $55,000 $63,000
5524 LM $46,000 $53,000 $61,000
5711 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
5811 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
5821 LM $0 $39,000 $45,000
5831 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
5939 LM $60,000 $69,000 $79,000
5942/48 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000
5974 LM $39,500 $45,000 $52,000
5979 $34,000 $39,000 $45,000
6042 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6046 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
6048 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
6062 $20,500 $23,500 $27,000
6072 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6073 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6074 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000
6092 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
6112 $9,000 $10,000 $11,500
6113 $36,000 $41,000 $47,500
6114 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
6116 LM $36,000 $41,000 $47,500
6122 $9,000 $10,000 $11,500
6123 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6124 LM $47,500 $55,000 $63,000
6132 $34,000 $39,000 $45,000
6152 $9,000 $10,000 $11,500
6153 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
6154 $34,000 $39,000 $45,000
6156 LM $34,000 $39,000 $45,000
6172 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000
6173 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
6174 $39,500 $45,000 $52,000
6176 LM $53,000 $61,000 $70,000
6212 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
6213 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
6214 $56,500 $65,000 $74,500
6216 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6217 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
6222 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
6223 $20,500 $23,500 $27,000
6226 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
6227 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
6252 $30,500 $35,500 $40,500
6253 $32,500 $37,500 $43,000
6256 $5,500 $6,000 $7,000
6257 $20,500 $23,500 $27,000
6276 $46,000 $53,000 $61,000
6282 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
6283 $17,000 $19,500 $22,500
6286 $12,500 $14,000 $16,000
6287 $5,500 $6,000 $7,000
6312 $36,000 $41,000 $47,500
6313 $30,500 $35,500 $40,500
6314 LM $61,500 $71,000 $81,000
6316 $36,000 $41,000 $47,500
6317 $37,500 $43,000 $49,500
6322 $32,500 $37,500 $43,000
6323 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
6324 LM $47,500 $55,000 $63,000
6326 LM $51,000 $59,000 $67,500
6332 $44,000 $51,000 $58,500
6333 $41,000 $47,000 $54,000
6336 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
6337 $37,500 $43,000 $49,500
6386 $47,500 $55,000 $63,000
6412 LM $37,500 $43,000 $49,500
6432 $17,000 $19,500 $22,500
6433 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
6463 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6466 $26,000 $29,500 $34,000
6467 LM $53,000 $61,000 $70,000
6482 $27,500 $31,500 $36,000
6483 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000
6484 $32,500 $37,500 $43,000
6492 $17,000 $19,500 $22,500
6493 $36,000 $41,000 $47,500
6531 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6541 $22,500 $25,500 $29,500
6672 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
6694 $19,000 $21,500 $25,000
6842 LM $53,000 $61,000 $70,000
7011 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000
7041 $24,000 $27,500 $31,500
7051 $26,000 $29,500 $34,000
7212 $29,000 $33,500 $38,500
7234/36 LM $61,500 $71,000 $81,000
7242 LM $61,500 $71,000 $81,000
7257 LM $61,500 $71,000 $81,000
7314 LM $20,500 $23,500 $27,000
7372 $0 $51,000 $58,500
7382 LM $56,500 $65,000 $74,500
Marine's with 6 - 10 Years Active Duty
E5 and E6
0143 $27,000 $31,500
0193 $0 $11,500
0211 LM $60,500 $71,500
0231 $60,500 $71,500
0241 $60,500 $71,500
0261 $60,500 $71,500
0311 $34,000 $0
0313 $36,500 $43,000
0321 LM $74,500 $89,000
0331 $34,000 $0
0341 $34,000 $0
0351 $19,500 $0
0352 $38,500 $0
0369 $0 $34,500
0411 $12,500 $14,500
0431 $31,500 $37,500
0451 $19,500 $23,000
0481 $34,000 $40,000
0511 $36,500 $43,000
0612 $36,500 $0
0614 $36,500 $0
0619 $0 $43,000
0621 $36,500 $0
0622 $36,500 $0
0627 $36,500 $0
0629 $0 $28,500
0651 $36,500 $0
0656 $36,500 $0
0659 $0 $34,000
0681 LM $0 $40,000
0689 LM $34,000 $40,000
0811 $38,500 $45,500
0842 $38,500 $0
0844 $48,500 $0
0847 $38,500 $0
0848 $0 $45,500
0861 LM $53,000 $62,500
1141 $10,000 $11,500
1142 $10,000 $11,500
1161 $10,000 $11,500
1171 $10,000 $11,500
1316 $22,000 $26,000
1341 $12,500 $14,500
1345 $12,500 $14,500
1361 $10,000 $11,500
1371 $29,000 $34,500
1391 $14,500 $17,500
1812 $27,000 $31,500
1833 $27,000 $31,500
2111 $19,500 $23,000
2131 $27,000 $31,500
2141 $31,500 $37,500
2146 $17,000 $20,500
2147 $27,000 $31,500
2161 $24,500 $28,500
2171 $22,000 $26,000
2311 $27,000 $31,500
2336 LM $74,500 $89,000
2621 LM $46,000 $54,500
2631 $46,000 $54,500
2651 $43,500 $51,500
2671 LM $67,500 $80,000
2673 $55,500 $65,500
2674 $55,500 $65,500
2676 $55,500 $65,500
2823/21 $46,000 $54,500
2831 $41,000 $48,500
2834 LM $41,000 $48,500
2844 $43,500 $0
2846 $43,500 $0
2847 LM $43,500 $0
2862 $43,500 $51,500
2874/71 $48,500 $57,000
2887 $48,500 $57,000
3043 $12,500 $14,500
3044 $22,000 $26,000
3112 $7,500 $8,750
3381 $7,500 $8,750
3451 $14,500 $17,500
3521 $24,500 $28,500
3529 $0 $28,500
3531 $24,500 $0
3533 $26,750 $0
3537 $0 $31,500
4133 $24,500 $28,500
4341 $24,500 $28,500
4421 $14,500 $17,500
4612 $10,000 $11,500
4641 $41,000 $48,500
4671 $19,500 $23,000
5512 LM $0 $14,500
5524 LM $22,000 $26,000
5711 $27,000 $31,500
5811 $31,500 $37,500
5821 LM $34,000 $40,000
5831 $14,500 $17,500
5939 $31,500 $37,500
5948/42 $41,000 $48,500
5952 $41,000 $48,500
5953 $17,000 $20,500
5954 $27,000 $31,500
5974 $17,000 $20,500
5979 $17,000 $20,500
6042 $17,000 $20,500
6046 $24,500 $28,500
6048 $17,000 $20,500
6062 $34,000 $40,000
6072 $29,000 $34,500
6073 $24,500 $28,500
6074 $24,500 $28,500
6092 $27,000 $31,500
6112 $19,500 $23,000
6113 $34,000 $40,000
6114 $22,000 $26,000
6116 $53,000 $62,500
6122 $19,500 $23,000
6123 $22,000 $26,000
6124 $17,000 $20,500
6132 $19,500 $23,000
6152 $19,500 $23,000
6153 $24,500 $28,500
6154 $31,500 $37,500
6156 $31,500 $37,500
6172 $19,500 $23,000
6173 $38,500 $45,500
6174 $19,500 $23,000
6176 $27,000 $31,500
6212 $29,000 $34,500
6213 $29,000 $34,500
6216 $17,000 $20,500
6217 $27,000 $31,500
6222 $10,000 $11,500
6223 $10,000 $11,500
6226 $10,000 $11,500
6227 $10,000 $11,500
6252 $22,000 $26,000
6253 $31,500 $37,500
6256 $17,000 $20,500
6257 $29,000 $34,500
6276 $27,000 $31,500
6282 $22,000 $26,000
6286 $22,000 $26,000
6287 $22,000 $26,000
6312 $36,500 $43,000
6313 $36,500 $43,000
6314 $36,500 $43,000
6316 $36,500 $43,000
6317 $38,500 $45,500
6322 $17,000 $20,500
6323 $29,000 $34,500
6324 $29,000 $34,500
6326 $17,000 $20,500
6332 $34,000 $40,000
6333 $31,500 $37,500
6336 $31,500 $37,500
6337 $24,500 $28,500
6386 $24,500 $28,500
6412 $19,500 $0
6413 $19,500 $0
6414 $0 $23,000
6423 $34,000 $0
6432 $22,000 $0
6433 $22,000 $0
6434 $0 $26,000
6461 $22,000 $0
6462 $10,000 $0
6463 $10,000 $0
6466 $19,500 $0
6467 $27,000 $0
6469 $0 $31,500
6482 $27,000 $31,500
6483 $27,000 $31,500
6484 $27,000 $31,500
6492 $24,500 $28,500
6493 $36,500 $43,000
6531 $14,500 $17,500
6541 $14,500 $17,500
6672 $10,000 $11,500
6694 $24,500 $28,500
6842 $34,000 $40,000
7011 $22,000 $26,000
7041 $17,000 $20,500
7051 $27,000 $31,500
7212 $22,000 $26,000
7236/34 $27,000 $31,500
7242 $29,000 $34,500
7257 $60,500 $71,500
7314 $17,000 $20,500
7382 $27,000 $31,500
Marine's with 10-14 years Active Duty service
0143 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
0161 $5,500 $6,000 $7,000
0193 $0 $9,000 $10,500
0211 $54,500 $59,000 $69,000
0231 $54,500 $59,000 $69,000
0241 $54,500 $59,000 $69,000
0261 $54,500 $59,000 $69,000
0313 $38,000 $41,500 $48,500
0321 $65,000 $70,500 $83,000
0352 $38,000 $0 $0
0369 $0 $41,500 $48,500
0411 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
0431 $19,500 $21,000 $0
0451 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
0481 $14,000 $15,000 $0
0491 $0 $0 $17,500
0511 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
0619 $0 $32,500 $38,000
0621 $19,500 $0 $0
0622 $11,000 $0 $0
0627 $11,000 $0 $0
0629 $0 $32,500 $38,000
0651 $19,500 $0 $0
0656 $11,000 $0 $0
0659 $0 $21,000 $24,500
0681 $0 $12,000 $14,000
0689 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
0811 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
0848 $0 $15,000 $17,500
0861 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
1141 $14,000 $15,000 $0
1142 $14,000 $15,000 $0
1169 $0 $0 $17,500
1171 $8,500 $9,000 $0
1316 $8,500 $9,000 $0
1341 $8,500 $9,000 $0
1345 $8,500 $9,000 $0
1349 $0 $0 $17,500
1361 $8,500 $9,000 $10,500
1371 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
1391 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
1812 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
1833 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2111 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2131 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2141 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2146 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2147 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2161 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2171 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
2311 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
2336 $60,000 $65,000 $76,000
2621 $30,000 $32,500 $38,000
2631 $30,000 $32,500 $38,000
2651 $30,000 $32,500 $38,000
2671 $65,000 $70,500 $83,000
2673 $65,000 $70,500 $83,000
2674 $65,000 $70,500 $83,000
2676 $35,500 $38,500 $45,000
2823 $49,000 $53,000 $62,000
2831 $54,500 $59,000 $69,000
2834 $38,000 $41,500 $48,500
2846 $25,000 $0 $0
2862 $0 $26,500 $31,500
2874/71 $30,000 $32,500 $38,000
3043 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
3044 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
3051 $8,500 $9,000 $10,500
3052 $8,500 $9,000 $10,500
3112 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
3381 $8,500 $9,000 $10,500
3432 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
3451 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
3529 $0 $18,000 $21,000
3537 $0 $12,000 $14,000
4133 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
4341 $5,500 $6,000 $7,000
4421 $11,000 $12,000 $0
4641 $11,000 $12,000 $0
4671 $11,000 $12,000 $0
4691 $0 $0 $14,000
5524 $19,500 $21,000 $0
5711 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
5811 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
5821 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
5831 $8,500 $9,000 $10,500
5939 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
5948/42 $32,500 $35,500 $41,500
5952 $32,500 $35,500 $41,500
5953 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
5954 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
5974 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
5979 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6042 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6046 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
6048 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
6062 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6072 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
6073 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
6074 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6092 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6112 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6113 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6114 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6116 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
6122 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6123 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6124 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
6132 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
6152 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
6153 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6154 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6156 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6172 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6173 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6174 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6176 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6212 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6213 $8,500 $9,000 $10,500
6216 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6217 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
6222 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
6252 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6253 $30,000 $32,500 $38,000
6256 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6257 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6276 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
6287 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
6312 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6314 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6317 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6322 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6323 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6324 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6326 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6332 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
6336 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6337 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6386 $8,500 $9,000 $10,500
6414 $0 $9,000 $10,500
6433 $11,000 $0 $0
6434 $0 $12,000 $14,000
6469 $0 $9,000 $10,500
6483 $25,000 $26,500 $31,500
6492 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
6531 $14,000 $15,000 $0
6541 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
6591 $0 $21,000 $24,500
6672 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
6694 $5,500 $6,000 $7,000
6842 $19,500 $21,000 $24,500
7011 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
7041 $14,000 $15,000 $17,500
7051 $22,000 $23,500 $28,000
7212 $30,000 $32,500 $38,000
7236/34 $16,500 $18,000 $21,000
7242 $30,000 $32,500 $38,000
7257 $65,000 $70,500 $83,000
7382 $11,000 $12,000 $14,000
8412 $0 $26,500 $31,500
Marine's with 14-18 Years Active Duty
............E7 AND.......E8 AND
0211 $29,500 $34,500
0241 $23,500 $28,000
0321 $23,500 $28,000
0861 $23,500 $28,000
2671 $23,500 $0
2673 $23,500 $0
2831 $12,000 $0
5979 $12,000 $14,000
6074 $12,000 $0
6154 $12,000 $0
6324 $12,000 $0
6326 $15,000 $0
7257 $12,000 $0
For more details check the MarAdmin!

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Breaking News!
And if this action does not yield sufficient results, cab drivers will be next, followed by Dell and AOL customer service reps... and then Motel 6 managers.
It's getting ugly...

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Backwards Golden Corral
So I was irritated enough about that, because personally I don't think the food they offer is worth that. I much rather have gone to the CiCi's pizza down the street and paid $4.50 a person for dinner (minus the baby cuz she's free there). But this whole experiences had just turned me off the ANY Golden Corral here in Hampton Roads. Ok, so we walk up to the casher and this is how the conversation goes.
Casher: "Can I help you?"
Husband: [confused] "2 adults" (like she couldn't see us)
Casher: "Is she going to eat" [points to my daughter being held on my hip]
Me: "Probably"
Casher: "Two adults and a child"
[I look up at the menu to see "Child" is 3-12 and are $5, "babies" are "0-2" and are free]
Me: "Two and a baby"
Casher: "What?"
Me: "Two adults and a baby"
Casher: "How old is she?"
Me: "Two"
Casheer: [look of disbelief] She's 2?
Me: [pissed I'm being questioned] "Yesss"
Chasher: "She's 2?
Me: "I said yes, she's free right?"
Casher: "Only if she's really under 2"
Husband: "She's 27 months old!"
While she looks confused and is trying to count 27 months on her fingers and toe's, My husband hands her our military ID's because we just assumed since we had gotten military discounts at every other Golden Corral we've ever been to, that it was a company wide policy and we would receive them here.
Casher: "What am I supposed to do with these?"
Husband: "Military discount"
Casher: "What?"
Husband: "Mil-a-tary dis-count"
Casher: "You want a military discount?"
Husband: "Yes, Ma'am"
Casher: "HaHaHa, we don't do that"
[hands us our ID's back]
Husband: "Yes you do"
Casher: "No we don't"
Husband: "Yes you do, it's 10%"
Casher: "We don't do that"
Husband: "You don't have military discounts?"
Casher: "No, we don't do that!"
Husband: "What's up with the flags then"
[Points to the American, DOD, Marine Corps, Air Force, Navy, Army and Coast Guard flags hanging over the entry way and registers]
Casher: "We support the military"
Husband: "Yes I see that"
[Looks down at sign on the register that says "Golden Corral Supports You"]
Husband: "Ok, I'll have a military discount then"
Casher: [Irritated] "We don't do that"
Husband: "But you support the military" [Points at sign]
Casher: "What do you want to drink?"
Husband: "Do I have to pay extra for pop?"
Casher: "Yes"
[Irritated he starts to screw with her]
Husband: "Military discounts on pop?"
Casher: "No"
Husband: "Just water"
Casher: "Two?"
Husband: "No, one, We'll share it"
Casher: "What?"
Husband "Yes, two"
Casher: "That will be $24.50"
[Husband hands casher a credit card]
Casher: "I need to see your ID"
Husband: [Excited] "Oh, you're gunna give us a military discount?"
Casher: [Irritated] "NO, we do not do that!"
After that whole ordeal at the register we stand waiting to be seated... Every Golden Corral we've ever been to seats you... We stand there for a few minutes till someone behind us finally says "What are you waiting for?" We say "we're waiting to be seated" Yet again, we get a look like we're nuts and the lady says "Just sit down" ...Uhh ok... So we go find a seat and go about our half assed dinner.
Throughout the whole meal we couldn't stop talking about the military discount thing. We honest to God thought the casher must have been confused or misinformed. Towards the end of the meal we mentioned the whole military discount thing to our hostess who doesn't seem to know if they do or don't offer it. She says she'll go ask someone and ends up coming back with some manager or assistant manager...
Manager: "How can I help you"
Husband: "Well we requested a military discount when paying for our meal and were told by the casher that you don't offer them, we were a little confused and didn't think that was possible seeing how military friendly this company is."
Manager: "She was right, we don't offer military discounts"
Husband: "Why?"
Manager: "Because we just don't"
Husband: "But you advertise yourselves as a pro-military restaurant"
Manager: "We are" [Points to service flags in entry way]
Husband: "So where's the military discount"
Manager: "This is a military town and if we offered a discount to every one coming through the door, that would be almost everyone"
[At this point my husband just starts kinda coppin an attitude and screwing with the guy]
Husband: So?
Manager: "Sir, we can't afford that"
Husband: "You can't afford to take a dollar off of a $10.50 buffet?
Manager: "Sir, we have a Military Appreciation night and offer free meals for veterans and encourage you to come back for that."
Husband: "Ok well I'm not asking about that, I'm wondering why every Golden Corral except for yours offers military discounts"
Manager: "Sir, this is a military town and you can't expect us to give everybody a discount"
Husband: "I'm not. I said military"
[Got a blank look from the manager and a few seconds of silence]
Husband: "Your buffet price is $2 more then the last town we lived in and they still offered a military discount"
Manager: "Well thigs are different in a military town"
Husband: "Actually, the last town we lived in WAS a military town, and the majority of the towns we visited Golden Corrals in were military towns"
Manager: "Well discounts are given at the discretion of the owners"
Husband: "Well that's fine, then why post signs everywhere bragging about how supportive you are of the military"
[points at banner hanging above us that states"WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS"]
Manager: "The company give them to us"
Husband: "Well you don't have to hang them if you don't want to"
Manager: "Yes we do... Sir, we like the military"
Husband: "But not enough to give us a dollar off?"
Manager: "Are you in the Navy?
Husband: "I'm in the Marine Corps"
Manager: "Well think you, I appreciate your service"
Husband: "But not enough to give me a dollar off?"
[I was trying soooo hard not the laugh out loud]
Manager: "Sir, I assure you that the Golden Corral supports the military very much but military discounts are given at the discretion of the owners"
Husband: "Ok,so the company supports the military, just not the owners of this restaurant?"
Manager: "Yes... No... [flustered] Sir, we have a Military Appreciation night"
Husband: "Which the company pays for"
Manager: "Yes, amongst millions of dollars donated to the DAV" (Disabled American Veterans)
Husband: "Ok, well I have no doubt in my mind that this is a very patriotic company"
At this point the manager cuts my husband off to call the hostess over to refill our water in an attempt to distract us so he can sneak away.
I'm sorry but the canned food they lay out on the buffet line is sooooo not worth the $10.50 we were charged. Not that a dollar off the buffet for the military discount would make THAT much of a difference. But it would atleast make me feel like i'm getting some kind of deal. And just to clear any thoughts up... I could really care less about the stupid dollar off. It was the principal that we were going after. We were in no way trying to get our meal comped or have them give us a dollar back. We just thought that it was extreamly hypocrital that they had posters, banners and flags hanging EVERYWHERE in the resturant proclaiming how pro-military they were, yet didn't even offer a measly military discount. I will not be returning to that establishment, mainly because they were over priced, didn't have good food and smelt like a bathroom... But the whole military discount, or lack there of, thing, just sealed the deal.

History Class (15 years from now)

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Make sure you look great for your man in uniform!
Make sure you look great for your man in uniform!
Face it…if you live on or near a military installation, you have access to a Gym at no cost. What is your excuse? Physical fitness is a job requirement for our husbands. They get up for PT at 0500. You can find at least 30 min a day to squeeze in some cardio. Exercise benefits every part of the body, including the mind. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins – a chemical that makes you feel peaceful and happy. Exercise daily to keep your mind and body healthy. Create your own personal training program here. Need some support and encouragement? Talk to other Happy Housewives Club members on the losing weight board.
If you have a chronic skin problem or condition that warrants medical attention, go to the dermatologist. TRICARE prime insurance coverage is 100% (read: FREE). Some military dermatologists even offer free cosmetic procedures like skin peels and microderm abrasion. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, but it’s easy to take for granted. Your skin can make you look years older if not taken care of properly. Take time to learn your skin type and get on a cleansing system. Learn the ins and outs of skincare here. Your main goal should be to get yourself on a daily routine when it comes to your skin. I use Proactive to keep my acne at bay. For a daily body moisturizer, I love Eucerin Plus ($5 at Walmart). Find a formula that is right for your skin type. Ask Tammy, our resident Happy Housewives Club beauty expert for product recommendations.
70% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. Chances are you are one of them. I was. The wrong size bra will cause you pain, poor posture, and unsightly budges. Simply walk into a local Victoria’s Secret stores and ask for a free fitting. It is not as embarrassing as you think! I promise! Now, since you are on a budget, I suggest looking at the sale rack. I personally only buy my bras a Frederick’s of Hollywood (online since I do not have a store close to me). You get a good quality for a better price than VS. For good price, support, comfort, and style, check out my favorite bra of all times here. After you know your proper size, it is easy to shop online.
It never fails… I find a hairdresser that actually knows how to cut my hair GREAT and then we get orders and move. Keep yourself in style with a fashionable hair cut…for us this may take trial and error with salons every time we move. Find a salon by reading reviews at citysearch or scope out a hot mama on base and ask her who cuts her hair. Trust what other people say about it and bring in pictures of how you want your hair cut. Ladies, your hair is not something you want skip on. Aside from wearing a hat, you can’t hide it. Pay the money for a good haircut ever few months. For a salon shampoo without the salon price, I use Loreal Vive Pro.
We iron our husband’s uniforms so they can look nice every day but do we do the same for ourselves? How many of you envy that officer or NCO’s wife who always looks classy and put together even when you bump into her at the commissary? Do you justify it with the fact that her husband makes more money than yours? There is no excuse. You can look just as classy and just as nice as a military wife of any rank.
Stop lounging around in sweat pants, even if you don’t plan to have company or go anywhere. It will make you feel better about yourself. Wear cloths that accent your figure and make you look fashionable.
Only buy clothes that you can mix and match. Simple t-shirts and shorts/jeans look nice as long as they are clean and fitted properly. I truly believe you get what you pay for. I have no problem shopping at Target for clothes, but I know they will not last as long as stores where you pay more money (and sometimes that is ok since I get bored with my t-shirts often). On the other hand, I am not comfortable walking into Banana Republic and paying $85 for a tank top… no matter how cute it is! You can find some amazing discounts on designer clothes at your local exchange. There are also several good quality clothing stores that carry new styles at an affordable price. New York & Company is a great store where you can get all then new looks and not blow your bank account. Also, keep an eye out for the new line, Bitten, by Sarah Jessica Parker. Check out her styles here. Everything in her collection comes in sizes 2-22 and is under $20! Her idea is to make fashion easy and affordable. What could be more perfect for the military wife! Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask if the store offers a military discount. Often times, you can get up to 10% off.
This is the key to fashion on a budget. You can look like an officer’s wife even if your husband is an Airman. You can dress up your shorts and t-shirts by using accessories! Take the time to learn to accessorize properly so that you don’t waste your money buying things you won’t wear. $100 more or less depending on what you need
The truth is that we are not 18 anymore. Most of us need some amount of makeup to make ourselves look fresh and well put together. You don’t need to spend the money on expensive lines (like Estee Lauder) in order to look great. Find a product that you love at a decent price. Clinique is a great product but still a little pricey for some of us. Check out the exchange. Usually their makeup costs less and is tax-free. For a great product at a CHEAP price, shop online at e.l.f.. Everything is around $1 a product. I have tried almost all their products and love them. My favorites are the lip glosses (which a woman should never leave home without).

New GI Bill
Bush Signs New GI Bill into Law
WASHINGTON - President Bush today signed legislation ushering in a new era in GI Bill benefits. The legislation, which the Senate last week passed overwhelmingly, is part of a $162 billion war spending bill.
"We are very excited that after 18 months of working on the GI Bill that it's been passed into law," said Patrick Campbell, legislative director for IAVA. "Now veterans everywhere will see their opportunities greatly expanded."
Video: Bush Signs $162 Billion War Spending Bill
The administration has opposed the new GI Bill on the grounds it would be too expensive, while the Pentagon has been concerned the more generous benefits - including a free four-year college degree program - would inspire more Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines to leave after their initial enlistment.
But in signing the bill today, Bush praised the bill, including a provision favored by the Pentagon that permits veterans to transfer unused benefits to spouses and children.
"We also owe a debt of gratitude to our nation's military families. They endure sleepless nights, and the daily struggle of caring for children while a loved one is serving far from home," he said. "So I'm pleased that the bill I sign today includes an expansion of the GI Bill. This legislation will make it easier for our troops to transfer unused education benefits to their spouses and children."
Bush said the expanded benefits will help "to recruit and reward the best military on the face of the Earth."
The new GI Bill was framed by Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., who has long argued that veterans deserve benefits that match those given to World War II vets. Then, returning GIs were covered for the full cost of tuition and books for whatever college they entered; in addition they were paid a monthly stipend.
Under the new GI Bill, payment rates will go up, but will be based on the college or university costs in the service member's state of residence. Eligible students also will receive a monthly stipend for books of up to $1,000 per year and a monthly housing allowance of about $1,000. The housing stipend will be tied to the Pentagon's basic allowance for housing rates.
The new education benefits are forecasted to go into effect in mid-2009 and will be available to all servicemembers and veterans -- including members of the Guard and Reserve -- who have served on active duty for at least 90 consecutive days since Sept. 11, 2001. The benefits are paid in increments which are determined by the amount of time served on active duty.
The bill passed by Congress also provides a 13-week extension of unemployment benefits and $2.7 billion in emergency flood relief for the Midwest.
The spending bill will bring to more than $650 billion the amount Congress has provided for the Iraq war since it started more than five years ago. For operations in Afghanistan, the total is nearly $200 billion, according to congressional officials.
Military.com Managing Editor for Benefits Terry Howell contributed to this report.

Afternoon Surprise

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Choose your friends wisely
I was always a very trusting person... Where as most people won't trust someone till they give them a reason to, I was the complete opposite. I would trust a total stranger until they give me a reason not to trust them. Unfortunatly my theory doesn't really work in the military.
I learned through spending 3 years in a VERY SMALL military town and living on an even smaller base that you need to choose your friends wisely. Back stabbing and gossip run a muck. I'm not really sure why. Maybe it's a mixture of board housewives and girls that just got pregnant or married at such a young age that they're still stuck in High School.
Either way, the moral of this story is to choose your friends wisley. And even when you think you've found a "good" friend, keep them at arms distance because they're liable to stab you in the back.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Airlines these days...

Virgin, Song and British Air offer FREE baby/child seats (FAA approved car seats) ON TOP of a 40-60% discount rate for children under the age of 12! So tell me why US based airline carriers are incapable of doing this? The airline is obliged to provide wide-waisted people with seatbelt extensions, so why don't they provide kids, at least those who are traveling on a paid ticket, with the seating equipment they need? You know what, I don't even have a problem forking out the cash for a full priced ticket. I figure my two year old takes up the same sized seat as I do. But come on... For the price we're paying for airline tickets these days, you can at least let us borrow a car seat. Or hey, I'd even be more then willing to fork out an extra $20 to rent a plane seat at the gate JUST to save the stress of gettin it through security and dragging it through the terminal. Oh man, what I wouldn't give to walk on the plane and find a child seat just sitting there all strapped in and all right in my daughter's spot! Can you even imagine that... it could transform flying with children from a travel hell to, well, if not a travel heaven, maybe at least a travel heck. Like shopping carts and restaurant high chairs, plane seats could spawn a whole cottage industry of portable or disposable cover makers!
If only someone were to design, test, and manufacture this to the rigorous specs demaneded by the FAA and the airline industry... What's that, you say? Someone does make one? And they call it what? The PlaneSeat CRS-2000?!? So you mean the only reason we have to haul that damn carseat everywhere is because of the airlines? Yeah go figure.

Monday, July 14, 2008
My two cents on the New Yorker cover

Staff at The New Yorker magazine have defended the illustration, saying it is meant to mock right-wing depictions of US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Obama and his wife. But the Obama campaign camp has reacted angrily. Spokesman Bill Burton said: “The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree." The McCain campaign immediately e-mailed a similar statement from Tucker Bounds: “We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it’s tasteless and offensive.” Of course, the McCain people must say that, despite some staff no doubt chuckling behind closed doors over their opponent's new challenge. That's the problem with satire. A lot of people won't get the joke. Or won't want to. And will use it for non-humorous purposes, which isn't the New Yorker's fault.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Hampton Road Drivers...
The folks out here seem to confuse surface streets with the freeways. Folks insist on driving like an INDY car racer down the 45 MPH surface streets and when I drive the speed limit, I have to deal with constant aggression from tail-gating. Then when people get on the 65MPH freeways, they forget that they're no longer on surface streets. The folks out here need to learn to merge into traffic without slowing anyone down. This means learning to use the accelerator and not the brake when getting on the freeway. Don't impede traffic. If the speed limit's 65, then drive 65... Not 55 or 45. If you are physically incapable of driving the speed limit then get in "the show lane" that would be the right lane for all you folks who didn't know. If you wanna drive 100 MPH then get in "the fast lane" (the left lane) and stay there. Don't go swerving around me in the middle of the freeway... Just because you wanna kill yourself and whoever else is in your car doesn't mean I wanna die too. Additionally, if you're on the freeway and see a car fastly approaching behind you, be curdious and move into the right lane to let them pass. Then you can move back into your original lane.
On top of that, I'm sure if you live in the grater Hampton Roads area you've seen this move. My husband likes to call it "the Norfolk special". It's where someone will be in the far right turn name driving down a busy 4 lane rode at 50 MPH in the right turn lane and swipes across the entire road to get in the left turn lane in a matter of seconds. (I've seen this about 5 times in the past 6 months). Also, blatantly blocking intersections. Parking in the middle of streets... And i'm not talking about residential streets. Pulling into the right lane of a 2 or 3 lane MAJOR road and just turing on your hazards and parking there. And the thing that really gets on my nerves. NOBODY every pulls over for Firetrucks, Cops or Ambiences!
Adding to the haphazardness driving, most drivers here don’t even seem to know that they have a turn signal. Occasionally someone will discover the lever on the side of their steering column. “What’s this thing do?” They flip the lever. Their right signal comes on. They turn left. Not signaling at all is bad enough. Signaling the wrong way is just crazy! THEN when you try to be the responsible driver and use yours... Well it's almost if the other drivers are taking it personally, they speed up as to not let you have that spot 30 feet in front of them. OR if someone behind sees you put on your turn signal, they know someone slow must be in front of you, so they erratically jet out from behind so they can get in front of you before you can change lanes.
Ok, I'm done with the rant against the idiot drivers around here. I will grant them one concession though, the state of transportation around here is not entirely their fault. The pothole ridden freeways that don't have enough lanes. On-ramps that get you onto the freeway just as folks are merging into an off-ramp to get off. On-ramps with stop signs and no acceleration lane. Potholes that can swallow trucks. And the tunnels... Oh the tunnels... I'd really like to meet the Kindegardner who decided to design the entrance to the downtown tunnel so that four lanes immediately bottleneck to two mere feet from the opening of the tube.
- The first problem that comes to mind is that no one really knows where they are around here. This area is simultaneously known as Tidewater, Hampton Roads, Greater Hampton Roads, and the Norfolk Metropolitan Area. Tidewater does not really apply since that refers to regions affected by the tidal flow stretching all the way to Richmond. Hampton Roads is supposedly a cool nautical term, but only people in Hampton think so, and no one knows what a "Road" really is. The only people who know what Greater Hampton Roads means is the Chamber of Commerce, and they aren't telling. And there's nothing metropolitan about Norfolk.
- Furthermore, Hampton Roads is made up of seven very disparate cities (Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Hampton, and Newport News), none of whom really like each other. And I call them "cities" only because of some really stupid clause in the Virginia constitution that differentiates cities and counties. The only city around here is Norfolk. Virginia Beach is not a city, regardless of what they would have you believe. Ask for direction to downtown Virginia Beach, and more than likely you'll be sent to Norfolk.
- The roads are just ridiculous! They're poorly marked, I have no idea what I'd do without my GPS. And the few streets that are labeled, the roads change names! You'll be driving down a road and all of a sudden it's called something else! Then, it's called the original name again! (Princess Anne Road, anyone? And that's just ONE example out of many!! I'm not sure what's going to happen with Nimmo Pkwy! GEEZ!)
- God forbid you don't have a GPS and can't seen to find the tiny misplaced street signs... Whoever named these streets/areas had no common since. Hampton Blvd is in Norfolk. Chesapeake Blvd is in Norfolk. There is no Norfolk Blvd. There is a Norfolk Ave. It's in Virginia Beach. Northampton Blvd is southeast of Hampton. "N.Hampton Blvd" is a completely different road. Hampton Roads Center Parkway is in the far northwestern corner of the area. Shore Drive, Atlantic Ave, General Booth Blvd, North Landing Road, and Mt. Pleasant Road are all the same road. The Great Bridge area has a tiny bridge over a canal narrow enough to spit across. Ocean View has no view of the Ocean. Chesapeake Beach is not in Chesapeake. Deep Creek sits next to a section of the intracoastal waterway that no uses anymore because it's too shallow. Hilltop sits roughly 5 feet above sea level. The tallest hill around here is a big pile of garbage. Norfolk Naval Shipyard is in Portsmouth. And in a region with at least a dozen separate military installations, the major thoroughfare known as Military Highway goes past none of them!
- On top of that, the roads are in such poor condition,which makes no since to me. The potholes could swallow trucks, and then when they finally do get around to repairing them, they just patch them up. And don't even flatten them out... Driving down the free way, it's like hitting speed bump after speed bump. We get taxed up the wazzoo, and all I wanna know is where is that money going? Certainly not into the roads.