Ok, so he gets one uniform free... Big woop. You pretty much need 2 or 3 sets of each uniform... Especially if it's something like a freakin PT uniform that you're wearing EVERY SINGLE DAY! So how much is this uniform you

You know, this actually makes me really really mad! We used to only have to pay $24 for the prior PT unifrom (Green t-shirt and green shorts)... Well this is a HUGE jump to $113! Or hey, what about the sweats? I don't understand if they're not going to be issuing the sweats any more. We never minded them. I mean they wern't anything special... But i'm not going to complaign about $20 sweats! This just irritates me because it's just another thing we're going to be expected to pay for. And ofcourse the higher ups have no reguard for money and how are these Lcpls, Cpls, and Sgts who are trying to put dinner on the table for their family doing to do so after being forced to fork out $113, God only knows how many times a year for new PT uniforms!