* Men’s 100% wool long-sleeved sweater (the thicker the better!)
* The actual club you are crafting the cover for
* Straight pins
* Sharp scissors
* Sewing machine
Step by Step
1. Felt the sweater in your top-loading washer with the hottest water possible. Check the progress after the first wash, and run it through again if the fabric is not dense enough. Give it a tumble in a hot dryer to complete the process. If you want to skip the felting process, that is fine. Keep in mind a felted sweater will work best because it makes a thicker material to provide added cushioning around the club.
2. Pin the cuff of the sleeve so the club head just fits through the opening. Make sure there is a tight fit so you don't have a lot of extra bulk around the shaft of the club.
4. Make sure the length is on par with other covers that are in the golf bag. Keep the length the same as the other club covers in the bag.