Tuesday, December 9, 2008
25 Days of Christmas: Day 9
I got one of these as a going away gift from one or our neighbors at our last duty station. That was almost a year ago... And I still use it at least twice a week. I think this just makes a great gift... And this tutorial from Sew Mama Sew really breaks it down and makes it quite easy to mas produce these as Xmas gifts.
Materials you will need:
fabric scraps
1/4 yard linen or other fabric
1/4 yard muslin
2 lbs short or medium grain rice
essential oil
4″ of 3/4″ wide Velcro
1. Cut Fabric
2 colored strips = 2″ x 7.75″
1 colored strip = 3″ x 7.75″
short linen piece = 8.75″ x 7.75″
long linen piece for back = 14.625″ x 7.75″
2 muslin pieces = 12.75″ x 7.75″
2. Sew front strips together using narrow 3/8″ seam allowance.
3. Fold over 1/4″ of one end of both the back and the front pieces. Press well with iron.
4. Now fold that same edge under 1″ and press well. Make sure both the back and the front are exactly 1″ wide.
5. Turn pieces right side up. Open up the crease thatyou just ironed (but not the 1/4″ fold.) Center and pin the velcro to the right side of the fabric, above the crease but slightly below that top, folded edge. Pin the hook piece of Velcro to one side of the bag and the loop piece to the other side of the bag.
6. Sew Velcro in place. Using a short stitch length, carefully sew around all 4 sides of the Velcro.
7. Place right sides of bag together. Carefully lineup the top and sides. (Your Velcro will keep the pieces together, so no pins necessary!) Starting at the top (where the Velcro is), sew around three sides.
8. Trim seam allowance.
9. Fold Velcro edge to wrong side, using your creases as guides of where to fold.
10. Sew around the top edge of the bag, just below the Velcro.
11. Get your essential oil ready.
12. Place 2 lbs. rice in bowl, sprinkle with essential oil and stir.
13. Sew muslin pieces, with right sides together, leaving a 3″ opening on one of the short sides.
14. Turn muslin bag right side out. Fill with rice.
15. Stitch bag closed. (I shook all the rice to one endand machine-stitched the bag closed. It is tricky, but doable.)
16. Place muslin bag into linen bag. Velcro closed.
8:41 AM