By bailing out folks who KNEW they couldn't afford these fancy new houses, and went out and got these low adjustable rate mortgages knowing damn good and well that they were going to inflate at some point... That's just promoting bad behavior! These folks who defaulted dug their own graves... Rewarding failure can only lead to an economy that rots from the inside. But you know what, that's turning into the American way! You go out, spend as much money as you want... And when you get far enough in debt, oh, you just turn into the government and they'll bail ya out. No need for any personal responsibility!
I mean really, how many of you people want to pay for your neighbor’s mortgage? Now those of us who chose to be responsible and pay our mortgages on time... Or hey, those of us knew KNEW we couldn't afford a house, and did the responsible thing, and didn't go out and take out some $200+k loan. Now we're going to be punished.
I am just so sick of hearing about this crap... Especially knowing there's NOTHING I can do about it! Ugh. I wish someone was having one of these protests around here... I Love these signs folk have got!