I've been following this blog, Keeping up with the Keirsey's, for a few months now. The blog follows the Keirsey family, and their struggles with giving birth to a premature baby diagnosed with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and a heart defect known as Double Outlet Right Ventricle. It is with great sadness that I announce, their little Angel Avery has passed on. After much agony and deliberation, discussed on their blog, the Keirsey family decided, it would be in the best interest of Avery to remove her from life support.
For anyone interested, there will be a service held in Little Rock, AR to celebrate little Avery's 9 weeks of life.
July 18,2009, visitation at 2pm, service at 3pm
Pulaski Heights Baptist Church
2200 Kavanaugh
Little Rock, AR 72205

Furthermore, the Keirse's are asking that donations be made to the Arkansas Children's Hospital in Avery's name, in lieu of flowers.