Baked Churros Munchies
Set your oven rack to lower-middle position;
heat oven to 400 degrees.
Bring your 1 cup water,
1 stick butter, salt
1 teaspoon sugar
...to a rolling boil in a saucepan. Turn your heat to low, add your bleached flour...
...and stir with a wooden spoon...
...until mixture forms a soft ball.
You now need to 5 eggs...
But only 1 at a time, Thoroughly stirring each one in with a wooden spoon.
Let the dough stand for about 5 minutes until it can hold its shape. IMPORTANT!!While you are waiting the 5 minutes, please humm the theme music to Jeopardy. HMMM MMMHMM HMM HMM HMM MMM , and bang your forks to the beat on the counter, ask your 4 children under 11 to join in, and hope that the men in the white jackets come to take you away. HaHa HeeHee HOHo .. to the funny farm.. where life is beautiful all the time..
This should do. Cover your cookie sheet with parchment or use those jolly good silpats. Drop a scant 2 tablespoons of dough to form balls.
Bake 30 minutes, until golden.
Yes, ever observant cyberpeople, I must have made 2 trays, one with parchment, and one with jolly good silpat, why, my inner voice told me too. Reduce your oven to 200 degrees.
Now its time to prepare the stuff that dreams are made of.
Melt 1 stick of butter in a saucepan, and pour in a dish.
Next mix 1 cup sugar with 1 1/2 tablespoons cinnamon-- I always think of emeril when I use that word..cinnnnammminimmnonm...
...in a bowl. Now set up your stuff , get real organized, you know.
Now, Dunk, dip, soak, drench, saturate each munchie puff in the butter ...
Coat in your cinnamon sugar mixture, thoroughly coat, don't be afraid, really gently roll it around in the stuff, nice thick coating is your goal. Lay it on thick.
Now poke an X in the puff bottoms with a knife, and place back on your cookie sheet.
Set in your 200 degree oven for, get this, 45 minutes to 3 hours, until they crisp. It took my guys about 2 1/2 hours.. Don't worry, It will be worth it. In the meantime, don't have a cow, I have other things for you to do.
Make your warm chocolate dipping sauce.
Heat your bittersweet chocolate, 2 cups whole milk ( I used 1 %) wow, aren't I the health conscious one?
...your sugar, and instant espresso...
...in a medium sized saucepan until chocolate melts. Now mix the cornstarch...
with the water and whisk into the chocolate until it thickens.. it thickens quickly. Done!