4 pkgs Pillsbury Buttermilk Biscuits1 jar cinnamon-sugar mixture
Large Zip-Loc bag
1 cup brown sugar
1 stick butter
Separate the biscuits and cut each biscuit into 4 pieces.
Next, mix the sugar and cinnamon together in a large Zip-Loc bag
and add the biscuit pieces into that mixture... Then shake, shake, shake it all up.
Now, melt 1 cup brown sugar and 1 stick of butter together.
Put the coated biscuits into an ungreased Bundt pan. Drizzle butter-brown sugar mixture over the top of biscuits.
Bake 375 degree preheated oven for 25-30 minutes until golden... And...
Tada! Monkey bread. Now how delicious does this look?