Since 9/11/01 it has become quite the event to have
military color guards present the colors and be present during the singing of
the National Anthem at sporting events of all kinds, and at Super Bowl XLIII
this will also take place. So to say I was surprised when I received this email
from a distraught Marine Mom would be an understatement:
My youngest Marine called me this morning.
In the course of the conversation he made mention of being part of the Color
Guard for the ceremonies at the Super Bowl. He has been part of other Color
Guards at other games and has been able to enjoy the entire game after
presenting the Colors. HOWEVER, this will not be the case this time. The 12
man/women color guard will be presenting the Colors and then will be escorted
out of the stadium and therefore not allowed to see the game. Steven and the 11
others are quite upset about this and have asked that I see if I could contact
someone and have that changed.
What? The Super Bowl won’t let the military color
guard stay and watch the big game? Yes you read that right. Was I skeptical? At
first, but after I contacted the Tampa Bay host Committee through their official website and spoke to
Katie Wagner, I was assured that yes in fact her email inbox is full of emails
from upset Marine Mom’s all asking for an explanation. To Ms. Wagner’s credit,
who by the way was extremely gracious during my questions the Host Committee has
no control over game day decisions; that authority rests solely with the NFL.
What has become a common yet gracious act of
allowing a military color guard to stay and watch the game from the side lines,
in honor of their service to our country, this time has them being treated as if
they are the unwelcome guests, common servants to be whisked away as soon as
their task is completed.
That's just wrong right? So then I go and read this little blog from USO Girls:
I just called the NFL at 212-450-2000 and spoke to a “Jared”. He stated that protocol is for anyone not working “during the game” to do their thing and then be escorted out. I asked if this will include
Bruce Springsteen and he said that he did not know what that arrangement was.
My personal opinion is the Color Guard is probably not at all up in arms about this but it just pulls at my heartstrings. I can't imagine, no matter how respectfully they might be treated while they are there,
that they would make them leave. It just doesn't seem right to me, and then on top of that Bruce Springsteen gets to stay?? You know "Jared" knows full well that Bruce is staying for the game, come on! I do respect what the NFL has done with the USO but seriously, you can't find some extra space for them to stand?
I really hope that word of this gets out and the NFL rethinks their decision. This is just wrong. Many people don't realize "Color Guard" is a volunteer position... Something done on top of a Marine's "Regular Job". The men who volunteer to do this, work full time Monday through Friday, but after everyone else goes home, these men and woman spend the added time at rehearsals and preforming in ceremonies. They don't get paid any more then my husband, they don't get any added composition other then a mere invitation to stay and watch the game or whatever event they are preforming at.