Monday, January 5, 2009

Car Accudent (Party 3)

Man am I irritated. So I was in a car accident Mid-November... And it was like pulling teeth to get the damn money from the insurance company to get it fixed! None the less we got the money and got it into the shop on December 12th... Ok so here was the problem... We had planned a Christmas trip up to Cleveland and WAS supposed to take the car. So when we took it into the shop two weeks before Christmas we were told to expect it probably on Christmas eve, or the day before... Did we get it on Christmas eve? No! So here's where we encountered the problem.

We didn't know what would happen if we were to take the rental car up to Cleveland and half way through the trip our car got finished. Would the insurance company stop payment of the rental or what? Yeaaah... We called to ask them a simple question thinking they may be a bit sympathetic of our situation... Especially considering it was their fault it took us so long to get the car into the shop. Yeah, they couldn't have cared less. After spending 3 days trying to get a hold of them, leaving message after message, we finally got a call back and were RUDLY told we COULD NOT take the car to Cleveland regardless of when our car would be fixed.

So the last time we had talked to the dealership was on Christmas eve and we were told that the car had been taken into the paint shop the previous day. UGH, well whatever, we were told that the car would for sure be fixed in the week and a half we were on vacation after Christmas. So I wasn't as irritated at the time... So we don't hear a thing from anyone until December 30th when we get a random phone call from some adjuster from the insurance company wanting to know if we have the car because he needs to look at it. Uhh, no. We tell him it's STILL in the shop, and the insurance company has that information and they should be the ones giving it to him. We hear NOTHING from anyone. Well we get back home yesterday and need a car... Call the dealership to see what's up with the car... Yeeeeah... We're told "The side panel should be put on the car tomorrow and we'll be getting it into the paint shot". WHAT?!?

Was that not supposed to be done on December 23rd? And now here it is January 5th and the car's just NOW being taken into the paint shop?!? What the heck was going on the past 13 days?

Anywayz, so this is where the irritating part starts. We need a damn rental car AGAIN! We had a hard enough time getting the stupid insurance company to pay for one in the first place... So after we talked to the dealership and were told that we wouldn't have the car till at least Friday... We immediately called the insurance company to get a car... Of course there was no answer. There's NEVER an answer! We left message, after message... No call back last night... After the 4th message TODAY ALONE, we finally got a call back... But go figure my husband left the phone upstairs and we didn't get to the phone in time. UGH! So here we are back at square one, trying to get a hold of these people... We've called them back twice with no avail. This is just ridiculous that we can't freakin get a hold of these damn people... And ya know the thing that pisses me off the most is that the last time we bitched them out on the phone, the ass from the insurance company just kinda chuckles at us and says "You had the option the settle with your own insurance company". Oh that's nice... So if we don't want to have our insurance rates raised and have to pay a $500 detectable... We have to deal with whatever shit you wanna dish out at us? That's a real nice policy.