It completely amazes me how inconsiderate some people are. It's usually small things that really urke me... Like when I walk up to the 10 items or less line in the grocery store with 1 or 2 items and the person in front of me has like 20 things and it just drives me nuts when they clearly turn around, look at your two items and then turn around and start to put their crap up on the counter... Clearly not giving a crap that you only got two things... But they rather make you wait the 10 minutes to ring up all their stuff...
Anywayz, that's not the point of this post... So last night I take my daughter to go get her hair cut. Now this place closes at 7pm... We usually go at 6pm just because they're always dead that late... Well thank you Hampton Roads traffic... It took us 45 minutes just to get 20 miles to the kiddy salon. So I already get there super urked... So we go to walk in the door just as this little 10 year old boy's walking in by himself. To be nice, my husband held the door open for him. Big mistake, he was gettin his hair cut too, and that means he gets to go before us. UGH! Urked me cuz it seriously takes 5 minutes to trim my kids hair... Well as we're signing in the lady behind the desk says there will be a 30 minute wait. We said it was fine figuring it would be less... Of course not... This 10 year old wanted his hair washed, not just cut but "styled" and then blowed dry. Ok... So 25 minutes later she was done.
So as she's blow drying this kids hair his mom and little brother walk in. This 4 year old autistic brother starts "Mommy I wanna hair cut to!" Ok, that's nice, they're planning on waiting till after my daughter got her's cut right? No! I'm partially irritated at the mother for not doing the fair thing and letting my daughter go first... I mean especially after we just waited 30 minutes on her first son... But I think some of the fault was the hair stylest for not speaking up and telling her we were there first.

So the stylest tells the little boy to hop up in a chair and he starts freaking out... Ugh, I knew this was gunna take forever. I mean I'm not sayin autistic kids don't deserve haircuts (HaHa) but obviously you know he has special needs that are gunna make the haircut take a little longer that maybe you should let the person waiting go FIRST. So anyways, I kid you not, between this kids squirming and MAJOR jewfro it took them 25 minutes JUST to comb it out. OMG... And when I say jewfro, I'm not talkin Shia LaBeouf a la Even Stevens... I'm talkin Phil Specter's crazy jewfro! So after the stylest finally got all the candy and "sticky stuff" combed out of the hair, she starts to cut it... Ugh, that took another 20 minutes... So by the time we finally got our daughter up in the chair it was 7:30 at night... Which was pretty damn irritating considering we had been there for over a hour. And I kid you not, it took seriously 6 minutes to cut her hair and 3 minutes to pay... So by the time we finally got her up in the chair, we were out of the building less then 10 minutes later... Now why could you not have let us go first?
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