I was reading one liberal military wife's blog about how she finally got her $5 Obama yard sign... I thought $5 seemed kinda much just for a yard sign so I googled it just to see if that was a regional price or what. Nope. The Obama camp is charging $5 a yard sign... But at some HQ's they're charging upwards of $15. So, this is why Obama's gotten so many more "donations"... My first McCain sign only cost me $1... Totally reasonable. Hell, when I googled the McCain store I see that you can buy a $25 "McCain Party Pack" that includes: 25 "Country First Bumper Stickers", 25 McCain Bumper Stickers, 25 McCain Lapel pins, 25 McCain Rally Signs, 25 McCain Yard Signs, 25 McCain Window Decals, 5 McCain Hats, a Go Green Tote Bag, 250 assorted McCain Lapel Stickers, and 50 assorted Buttons. Anywayz, when I went around to the different RNC offices day-before-yesterday, they were all free... Only one office asked that I sin up for the mailin list... Didn't even have to do anything for the other stuff.
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