I get asked A LOT of random questions from my readers... And lately I've noticed that I've been answering the same questions over and over again. Since I pretty much spent all day today going through all the emails that have been sitting in my account for the past month, I figured I might as well make an FAQ blog and tack the link somewhere on the page.
How long have you been a Military Wife?
I can't remember, I think 5 years. Maybe 4. HaHa. Seems like atleast 20!
I can't remember, I think 5 years. Maybe 4. HaHa. Seems like atleast 20!
What branch of service is your husband in?
Marine Corps
Active or Reserve?
Active Duty
What is his job?
Aviation Logistics
How many years does he have left?
He's a career Marine, so 15 or so.
The longest deployment you've gone through?
Been through 2, 7 months long deployments
Name one thing you do when your husband is gone?
Go on with life. Between training and deployment's a lot happens, but you just go on with life. You can't just drop everything and sit and wait for him to return. You'd go crazy.
Go on with life. Between training and deployment's a lot happens, but you just go on with life. You can't just drop everything and sit and wait for him to return. You'd go crazy.
What was the hardest part?
During the 1st deployment, the 1st month was hard dealing with the thought he was goint to be gone for over half a year and for the birth of our daughter... But you get used to it.
What do you like about being a Military Wife?
I love the traviling, the fact you can find family anywhere you go, the comradery, the sense of adventure... And especially now that our economy's in the state that it's in, I love the fact we have a guaranteed income, house and healthcare!
Do you live on base?
Not on base, we're in off-base military housing.
What is your favorite base so far?
Camp Pendleton in California.
Least favorite?
Probably Naval Station Norfolk (Va). Just because of the lack of onbase activities... And the fact there is no on-base housing.
How many states have you lived in?
4; California, South Carolina, Arizona, and Virginia
4; California, South Carolina, Arizona, and Virginia
How many houses?
Where does your family live?
Southern California.
Southern California.
What did your family think when you announced you were marrying a military man?
My parents didn't care. I come from a VERY military family. And my mom said she always knew I was either going to join the military or marry someone in it. She was just glad I was no longer in the Marine's that I just married one.
What's the hardest part of the military life?
Never knowing what's going on. I've got OCD and have to go my a schedule and want to know EXACTLY what's going on at all times... The military makes that totally impossible.
Do you have a lot of Military Wife friends?
I used to at our previous duty station, but after a lot of drama went on at our last duty station I made an effort here to make more civilian friends.
I used to at our previous duty station, but after a lot of drama went on at our last duty station I made an effort here to make more civilian friends.
What do you think about other military spouses/fiancees/girlfriends?
The good ones are great, they're like a second family and kept me sane during the deployments. Unfortunately, most "wives" are lying, cheating immature girls and I have no need/time for their drama in my life.
Do you ever use your spouse rank in the military to your advantage?
No, and I can't stand girls who wear their husband's ranks on their sleeve.
Are you part of the FRG/KVN?
No, I used to be. But since my husband's in a non-deployable unit they don't have an FRG here.
Do you volunteer for anything on base?
Not on base, but since our "base housing" is off base, we have a neighborhood watch that i'm a black caption for.
Not on base, but since our "base housing" is off base, we have a neighborhood watch that i'm a black caption for.
Do you go to the grocery store or commissary?
We do our big shopping trips at the commissary because they cary a better selection of the vegetarian and ethnic products we eat. Plus, NO TAX is great here since it's like 12% or something. Crazyness.
We do our big shopping trips at the commissary because they cary a better selection of the vegetarian and ethnic products we eat. Plus, NO TAX is great here since it's like 12% or something. Crazyness.
Do you prefer walmart or px?
I prefer the PX here in Norfolk to Walmart on everything BUT clothing, they're way over priced.
I prefer the PX here in Norfolk to Walmart on everything BUT clothing, they're way over priced.
Does your husband participate in any non-work base activities?
He's on his unit's football team and was on the base golf and softball teams. He also is part of a Navy sponsored "big brother" type program.
Do you like military balls?
I could do with or without them. Usually they're over priced and too much stress for what they're worth. But I guess it's an excuse to dress up and put on make-up once a year. I think we've been to 4, we missed last years because we were PCSing. This year, we've got a Navy Ball next week and then the Marine Corps ball November 7th. Which should be interesting since close to 4,000 people are expected to attend and it's our first Banquet Service, rather then the Buffet Style that most Ball's are.
When you see movies about the military, do you notice when things aren't right?
YES, it drives me NUTS when they wear their covers outside or salute indoors... OR in like war movies they're walkin around saluting each other... HELLO doesn't happen! Big props to Army Wives, seems to be one of the more accurate shows out there... Although they do screw up every once in a while.
YES, it drives me NUTS when they wear their covers outside or salute indoors... OR in like war movies they're walkin around saluting each other... HELLO doesn't happen! Big props to Army Wives, seems to be one of the more accurate shows out there... Although they do screw up every once in a while.
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