So earlier this afternoon we went to a Sesame Street Live performance on base. It was hosted by the USO and Makayla absolutely loved it! First they handed out free Elmo spinner toys... Which I think it pretty much the coolest free toy Makayla's ever gotten... Then when the show started and all the characters came out, I couldn't help but laugh. The kids went absolutely nuts... I mean you'd swear it was the New Kids on The Blog coming out on that stage (Maybe that just shows my age, but they're makin a comeback ya know). Makayla actually had no clue who any of the Sesame Street characters were. Yeah I know, poor deprived kid, huh? She did enjoy the show, she was in awe the whole show, and would point and laugh, and clap along to the songs. The show only lasted about 35 minutes, so I think it may have been a little short for Makayla's liking... But it's understandable considering there were MUCH younger kids there, and they probably wouldn't have lasted any longer.
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