Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration

I was sick and tired of the pre-election hoopla and liberal bias of the media. Now I'm sick and tired of hearing about the inauguration. One would think this is the first president ever elected in the United States!

I haven't bought any commemorative coins, plates or coffee cups. I don't have a picture of Barack hanging next to Martin in the living room either. He's just a man. In fact, he's just a man who is inexperienced and has very questionable associations. Between him, his cabinet and our 'new' Congress/Senate I am concerned for ALL of us. It will start with the welfare checks (tax relief) to the millions that don't even pay one dollar in taxes and who knows where it will end.

I know I shouldn't be watching this Inauguration on TV right now... It does nothing but irk me! But it's like a train wreck waiting to happen! I just can't look away! I'm honest to God just waiting for someone to get shot... Or a riot to break out!