Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Urks me...

We get a note on our front door on Thursday saying that we needed to be "available" because we had an "irrigation inspection" and "representives" would need access to my house.

When? I don't know.
Why did they need to inspect our irrigation? Still don't know.
Who were these "representives"? No clue

Well I was out and about Thursday and figured they had just come by while I was gone... None the less, I cleaned the house, half expecting them to come by Friday... No one ever showed up... So I blew off the letter...

Did they come by Saturday? No. Sunday? No. Monday? No. Tuesday? No. Here is it 4:15pm on WEDNESDAY! Nearly a week after they put the letter on my door. Now they decide to show up! It just urks me. And they expect me to just let them in my house now? Don't think so.

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