Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dear inconsiderate neighbors

Dear inconsiderate neighbors,

I understand you're excited about moving into your new house, but driving your Uhaul into our quiet community at 10:30PM and proceeding to unload it till midnight is not acceptable. Furthermore, I did not appreciate you leaving your 3 children, under the age of 12, to "hang out at the house" and roam the neighborhood at midnight. And to spite what you clearly believed, I did not enjoy it when you returned at 1AM and continued to unthoughtfully unpack the Uhaul and scream a your children for not helping. Nor did I fancy the 2:15 run to pick up more furniture and box's or when you turned at 3:30AM. Yes I was still awake to hear you yell at my fellow neighbors who were equally as agitated as me when they went out to ask you to keep it down. Let me tell you, after finally falling asleep somewhere around 4:00AM, I did not appreciate waking up at 6:50 to the sounds of dollies clanging against the decks of your Uhaul. Sir, you sure do know how to make a first impression. Unfortunatly for you, it was not a good one. Please note, we have strict curfews for children under the age of 18 and the City of Norfolk has noise ordinance set forth and I will not hesitate to call the police to have them enforce either.

You're bitch of a neighbor
PS- Welcome to the neighborhood

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