So any one who's been to a military ball... Particularly a Marine Corps Ball in a small town like Yuma or 29 Palms... I hear it's just as bad at Lejeune... Anywayz, anyone who's been to one will notice those random "girlfriends" that really stick out in the crowd... First you've never seen these girl before... They've never been invited to unit/squadron activities before... They're all super thin, perfect tans, huge boobs... And always inappropriately dressed... Seriously, these girls will just totally come out of the wood-work for the ball... Who/what are they? Strippers.
Now I bet money, my non-military friends who are reading this are chuckling saying "yeah right" to themselves... While all my fellow Marine Wives know better. I am being 100% serious. Not sarcastic in any way.
Ok, so the first two are totally normal type dress that you'll see girls in at the military balls. A lot of the strippers who show up have no sense of modesty and like show it all off... And of course the guys don't mind looking at it. The 2nd of the 6 dresses... Well a lot of the time it's not strippers that are wearing the randomly bright colored dresses. It's mainly new wives or girlfriends who have never been to a ball before. I'll tell ya right now... To Marine Corps Balls, girls usually wear black, dark blue and deep red dresses... Why? Because they complement the Marine's dress blues. Now see, a lot of young girls, who are straight out of high school see this as a type of Prom. Well it's not. Where as Prom is mainly about the girls... Matching their dresses, getting corsages and stuff like that. The Marine Corps ball is NOT about you. It is ALL about the Marine... You are nothing more then an accessory to him... Hence dressing to complement his uniform.
Now I bet money, my non-military friends who are reading this are chuckling saying "yeah right" to themselves... While all my fellow Marine Wives know better. I am being 100% serious. Not sarcastic in any way.
Ok, so the first two are totally normal type dress that you'll see girls in at the military balls. A lot of the strippers who show up have no sense of modesty and like show it all off... And of course the guys don't mind looking at it. The 2nd of the 6 dresses... Well a lot of the time it's not strippers that are wearing the randomly bright colored dresses. It's mainly new wives or girlfriends who have never been to a ball before. I'll tell ya right now... To Marine Corps Balls, girls usually wear black, dark blue and deep red dresses... Why? Because they complement the Marine's dress blues. Now see, a lot of young girls, who are straight out of high school see this as a type of Prom. Well it's not. Where as Prom is mainly about the girls... Matching their dresses, getting corsages and stuff like that. The Marine Corps ball is NOT about you. It is ALL about the Marine... You are nothing more then an accessory to him... Hence dressing to complement his uniform.

Anywayz, I feel like such a hypocrite this year... My first Marine Corps ball I wore a dark blue column dress, then the last 2 Balls I wore black empire line dress... Which all totally matched the Marine Dress Blues... But I just really didn't feel like going out to buy a dress this year so i'm wearing my old dark dark purple A-Line prom dress. It should look ok... I mean it's better then the Confederate Flag dress right?
Lol ooorah
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info...I was not sure what to wear!
ReplyDeleteum, ive been with my boyfriend for 4 years. ive been to 5 balls. i always wear a really sexy dress. yes i do agree the color must certainly compliment his uniform, and that it is about him, the marine, but i always take the opportunity to wear the most beautiful dress, sexy as can be, because although it is all about my marine, i am definitely not an accessory, and he would hate that anyone would call me something so degrading. I am his counterpart and other half, and he loves that i try to look my best for him at the ball, because he loves me.
ReplyDeletehahahaha.. this is spot on - gonna forward this to the stripper i'm taking to the ball. lol.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this info. I'm coming from australia as my marine friend as me to join him. I have never been before and am contemplating to buy a new gown. Im quite short and not sure if i can get away with a knee length dress. Can i ask how do most girls wear there hair?
ReplyDeleteSome girls go to a salons and pay the big bucks to get their hair done all up... I've never done that. I always just did my hair myself... Last year we had to go to the Navy Ball mid October, and then the Marine Corps Ball 2 weeks later... For the Navy Ball I spent 2 hours on my hair, setting it with hot rollers, pinning it half up... I mean it looked GOOD... Then 2 week later I was just flat out over dressing up and doing my hair... So I washed it, put my de-frizzer in it, and spent all of 10 minutes straitening it... That was it... But really, as long as you brush your hair, it's going to look nice in the dress. PS, yes i've seen dates show up who looked like they didn't even brush their hair :-/
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this post! I'm going to the first USMC Birthday ball this year, and came across this while doing my research. I personally don't like simple hair worn down with evening gowns because it looks too casual &plain... and think your hair should at least be adorned with a beret or a small pin.
ReplyDeleteI also appreciate that neon pink is probably NOT a good idea for such an occasion, but judging from the photos I've seen, some ladies need to stop being so scared of being fabulous in evening wear!
I do think many wives are too dumpy. Maybe my view is swayed since I am a USMC and a former stripper, but you need a healthy balance. If its in the mother of the bride section at the local dress shop, maybe find something sexier. OTOH, if its on stage at your local Cheetahs, maybe you should tone it down a bit.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very good blog, I enjoyed reading it. I do have a couple questions if you don't mind. I am going to a Virginia Tech University military ball this month and I have no clue what I am doing. My dress is modest, I am not one of those girls who show everything. The dress is one shouldered and navy blue. It would look good with a low bun but I don't know if I should get my hair done or just do it myself? I am not good with hair at all and my hair is thin, straight, and medium length. I just don't want to stand out if I get my hair done. Should I get it done or just leave it down?
ReplyDeleteIf you don't feel comfortable doing your own hair, and if you don't have a friend who can do your hair for you, I doubt you'll look out of place getting it dome professionally. I guess it's all in how you get it done.
ReplyDeleteOk the comment about "it being as bad as Lejeune?" What exactly did you mean by that? The balls that I have been to with my husband and he has been stationed there for over 6 years were AWESOME and very classy. Unless you have been to one of the East Coast Balls...don't knock them.
ReplyDeleteare the east coast balls good or bad?
ReplyDeleteEast coast balls are no different then west coast balls... The quality of the ball is based on the unit itself. Some units choose to charge $150 a ticket on top of raising money (car washes, yard sales, etc) and are able to afford Hors d’oeuvres, a 4 course seated meal with an open bar in a swanky 5 star hotel fully equip with a band and elaborate lighting and decorations. Other units choose to charge $25 a ticket and not even bother with fund-raising and just hold a crate-paper and balloon ball at the E-Club (or base gym) with a simple buffet and a boom-box.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this 100% I have been to one Marine Corps Ball with my husband who I have been with for 4 years. The random girls and interns dressed like they should have been on stage on a pole it was horrible. I believe there should be a dress code enforced going to a ball. Someone should tell these girls its not a strip club and they come to the ball dressing like such they should be sent home to put on something more appropriate for the occassion. Ladies going to your first ball talk to the Marine to friends go online do your research. Think classy not trashy please. Sexy is all well and good and I think sexy is great but trashy should stay out of the ball.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to a ball in North Carolina, and i have no clue what to expect, i have never been to a ball before and i'm super nervous, even though it's months off. any tips?
ReplyDeleteHey, just for future reference. Is a dress that is short in front and long in back trashy? Looking at pictures i see that most of the dresses are long gowns but i am only 19 and still want my dress to feel fun.
ReplyDeletePersonally I don't like the "Mullet Dress"... To me, they just tend to seem more informal then full length dresses. I can see them being ok for prom, which is in spring and is supposed to be all about fun with your 17/18 yr old friends... But military balls aren't prom. They are full of adults, and for many new girlfriends/wives, it's their first time to actual dress like an adult in a formal setting. Although I think full length gowns are best, I've seen some of the younger girls show up in lovely tea-length dresses, but put a funky pettiskirt on under it that shows when they dance or sit... I've seen a lot of the younger girls also weird funky shoes, either bedazzled tennis shoes or wild colored heals.
ReplyDeleteFloor length gowns with nice shoes are best. Flip flops and shorter gowns would make your Marine look bad (or, for that matter, anything in poor taste) and he WILL get called on it in formation on Monday. I appreciate the comments you made about the color complementing the dress blues.
ReplyDeleteEverything the Marine's date does will reflect on him and his work performance. The date's job is to look nice, behave properly, and support the Marine.
Maybe there will be less inappropiate wear with your post.
ReplyDeleteIn perfect world.
Thanks so much for all the great tips! This really helps me decide on what kind of gown I should buy and I totally agree with the statement "The date's job is to look nice, behave properly, and support the Marine."
ReplyDeleteSince you don't know anything about the small town balls: 29 Palms actually has their balls in Vegas.
ReplyDeleteYou sound super catty. I'm tan, thin, have huge boobs, and I'm not a stripper. I work out, eat right, and take care of myself. I do that for myself, and the confidence I have is sexy to my man.
Which brings me to my final point: I highly doubt any woman is going to show up wearing any of the dresses you posted. Get over the whole "first time gf/wives that you've never seen before" because you were once there.
I'm so sick of catty wives/girlfriends.
Thanks for clearing it all up for me... I must have been out of my mind the year we caravaned from 29 Palms and wound up in San Diego for the Marine Corps Ball... I'll have to make sure I email the unit and tell them they're only allowed to have the balls in Vegas.
ReplyDeleteI am loving, loving this blog!!! Wife Mom Blogger, you rock. I've been married to my Marine for 7 years. This year I am not only a mom, but my husband is also a Staff NCO. Now I am adapting and wearing something conservative. I have seen the stripper dates, they do exist!!! Like many have said on here, the Marine Corps Ball is about the Marines. It's their night, be humble and give them this night, don't dress like a slut, but do use what your "mama gave ya" so to speak. Work with the "Blue's" they are the very best military uniform in my opinion.
DeleteWife Mom Blogger: I LOVE your blog!!! There are many stripper looking dates, wives or hired. I've been maarried to my Marine for 7 years and been to many balls and other functions. It is good to "use what your mama gave ya" but if people are eyeing you it's most likely because you stand out in a bad way, not a good way. The work day after the ball their will be talk, in this particular instance you don't want to be talked about. This is a very deeply rooted military tradition, please, please respect that folks. Work with the "Blue's", they are the best looking uniform military wide (my opinion).
DeleteI have gone to the ball with my husband 5 times and I can say each year there is always a couple girls that just didn't get the memo. Not only should you dress appropriately, but your actions should follow suit. Do NOT talk during the ceremony, I can tell you right now that will make a lot of people angry if they hear talking and laughing, its very disrespectful. There will be plenty of time for that before and afterwards. There are beautiful dresses out there that are both sexy and fun but also leave something to the imagination. I have found some of my dresses in the bridesmaid sections at various boutiques. Enjoy yourselves and stay safe.
ReplyDeleteyou can wear what you want as long as comfortable with it many people are under impression have to match your husbands or signifgant other and that is not true as long as it does not clash
ReplyDeleteI am in MCJROTC at my school and we have a Marine Corps Birthday Ball and our Supervisors for MCJROTC told all the girls and the boys who are taking girls outside of JROTC to tell them to wear nice long dresses. and come time for the girls to change there are girls wearing short skimpy dresses there were about 75 girls there and about ten including me were wearing appropriate dresses. one girl was wearing a bright orange and pink short fluffy dress. anf one girl was wearing this short short dress and her boobs were hanging out. They told us this year if your dress is too short you must put something else on. they are not concerned with the colors just the lengths. all of the guys wear the best uniform given to them some wear blues some wear charlies and some deltas so they just wanted length.
ReplyDeleteLove this post. Funny cause a friend and I were just talking about this topic a few days ago. My father was in the Marines and I married a very handsome man who is also in the Marines. I have a lot of pride in the military, it is a great honor to be part of it. I completely agree with your post. I am only 22, and already understand every point you have made. Girls come thinking this is just a night to get dressed up and get drunk with their guys. Or be "super sexy". However many girls are dumb, and do not ask THEIR Marine what would make HIM proud. Of course he wants you to look good but he does not you to look like a hooker. The Marine Corps ball is to honor our men and all the men that have fallen. Not the "super hot" 6 year girlfriends btw SIX YEARS! dang dont get your hopes too high about getting a ring. Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free right?! ;}
ReplyDeleteAnywho, I completely agree. This is not a prom, this is a ball. This ball is not about the wives/girlfriends, but only the Marines. Because quite honestly if the Marine Corps wanted the Marines to have a wife they would issue one.
If you read this and get offended, take that as a sign.
ReplyDeleteLol, so so true!
DeleteThis post is fantastic. There's absolutely no reason to show up looking like a rainbow or a hooker; no one is there to pay attention to you, they're going to make sure their Marines are in check and behaving themselves, or having a good time. You're only going to make yourself look bad. Also, if you look like a tramp, he will get called on it later and you will be the talk of the group for a while (not in the good way). Don't embarrass him. Also, I completely agree with the last comment: "If you read this and get offended, take that as a sign." I love that you've laid it out as plainly as possible; I hope this thread helps others.
ReplyDeleteI think those are all incredibly gorgeous dresses and would all be perfect for the ball... While the purple (I think that cut was my fav) may not be the ideal color to match his "blues" I really don't think it would stand out a whole lot. Any deep color would look real classy.
ReplyDeletewhat do you think about this dress in red?
Love this post I'm a navy wife in others words same shit different toilet haha I'm not a new new navy wife it's been two years but this is our first ball they aren't as "mandatory" you could say so we didn't attends last year so this helps alot thank you
ReplyDeleteFor the experienced Women that go to the Ball... I've got this beautiful , long, strapless, empire style dress. It has multiple deep greens and in the bottom corner is hand painted in this elegant floral type of design. In that design there are greys , blues, and kind of a rusty red color. The material of the dress is silk and it looks great on me. I don't have a picture, but if anyone can imagine it by the details that I have mentioned, what do you think? I wouldn't say it's flashy colors because they are deep rich colors. It's just not plain, is that ok?
ReplyDeleteSo I looked at the dresses posted in the previous comment. I'm 18 and got invited to go to a ball last night with a marine that I like so much and want a serious relationship with (i know i probably sound like a boy crazed teen). Those dresses are very beautiful, I understand the whole color concept, but would anything sexier then that be bad? I really want to impress him but I also would die if I embarrassed him. I want to make him look good and those dresses above really arnt me. Ill see if I can't find a dress that I would wear and see what u think.
ReplyDeletePs. Thank you so much for having a post like this, I was freaking out last night. This is helping so much.
ReplyDeleteI think deep colors are ok. I've worn a deep purple dress to the ball before and I don't think I stood out. I think it's mainly about an approperate cut/leingth and just nothing too flashy. Yours doesn't sound overly flashy at all.
I hate to jump in on all of the asking for opinions, but what do you think of this dress? I'm short so it goes further past my knees.
ya have no idea how glad I am that I found this post...
ReplyDeleteI have a major problem with the ball next month and I need your help. I seriously have NO money to my name right now and the only formal dress I own is like an off-white strapless floor length dress. I bought it for my step-mom when she married my dad and it's back in my closet now.
Would that be an okay dress to wear to the ball even though it's a "wedding dress"
i was freaking out when my fiancee invited me to the ball, but this post really helped! i am now on the lookout for a dress similarly styled to this one but in a royal blue
and my hairstyle: a simple, yet elegant french twist.
ReplyDeleteWell said. Please respect our ball and our brothers.
I am going to my first ball in november.Super Nervouse! The first thing i did when looking for a dress was ask my boyfriend what he wanted me to dress is kinda sexy but he loves it so im wearing it.
ReplyDeleteWord of the day : Tawdry - Adj. - gaudy, showy and cheap. In my opinion this is what most spouses look like at the Marine Corps Ball every year. They will wear gowns that look like a Las Vegas Cocktail Waitress and is about 3 sizes too small for them. Most will be fat but unwilling to accept it or do anything about it so when they walk into the ball room looking like a cheap $2 dollar Vegas hooker not one of their friends will have ever told them that they have no business wearing that. Not just that they are fat and should NOT flaunt the cellulite AKA cottage cheese but also that the trashy hooker gown needs to be burned. SO....PLEASE people...think twice before you allow your friend to go out in public wearing something that you know damn well she should NOT be wearing. Please save your friends from humiliation. Be a real friend for once! AND honest with yourself. AND for the love of god don't come into the Marine Corps Ball wearing something that looks like you just fornicated in the parking lot. If your boobs are falling out that gown it either does not fit you or is inappropriate for this particular function. Either way i'm gonna shove a dollar bill between your titties. If you look like a cheap stripper then I will treat you like one. No its not cute. It's not sexy or classy. It's trashy, disgusting and you need to be ashamed of yourself. BUT when you see me pointing and laughing..KNOW that I am laughing at you :)
ReplyDeleteI can't decide if I'm offended by this post or just flat out disgusted by how judgmental it is. I am going to the ball for the first time with my boyfriend of a year and half. Im blonde, tan, thin, with normal sized boobs... none of that fake. My boyfriend has only been in the marines for about a year and are planning on getting married after he gets deployed in march. I was actually searching marine ball dresses and found this blog because I've been struggling to find a classy, pretty dress on a budget. Unfortunately I'm going to have to borrow a friend's because I'm in college on a budget. It's black floor length with a deep v in the front with crystals. simple and beautiful, but it's very low and i'm unsure about my boobies. I just would hate to show up and be laughed at because were not married and i have a little cleavage :( I'm just excited to be there and support my marine.
ReplyDeleteA little clevage is okay, as long as the dress is full length and you're not going to flash nipple then it's all good.
DeleteI'm telling you right now that 95% of the Marines that will be attending the ball are praying that there will be eye candy there, so where something ellegant and sexy.. Please for the love of god, if you have the body for it, wear something sexy.. Ya, its about the Marines, give them what they want girls.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for posting this. I found this very helpful, as well as extremely entertaining :) I will be attending a marine corp ball come November and as neither a wife nor a girlfriend... honestly i felt strange googling the proper dresses to wear but I feel much better to see I am not alone in this awkward search
ReplyDelete"exactly how much is too much? and what is not enough?" I get that a ball is formal but I also see how we are arm candy...we need to make them look good without appearing over done as though we need to be center of where is this line? i totally expect a tiara to be both trashy and gaudy, but are short gloves too much?
ReplyDeleteLOL I like the last persons post the best of all!
ReplyDeleteMy Marine hubby and I were just reading this post about the ball and he laughed and said "No wonder why so many of the guys cheat. I guarantee the guys want their wives/girlfriends to look good and spend time to get done up." Just food for thought.
ReplyDeleteI also had trouble finding a dress. I want to look young, fun, yet still classy and complementary to my marine. After a long search, I stumbled across
ReplyDelete(I finally decided on this one for $125... . :))
I love my Marine and I'm so excited for the ball this weekend. Good luck to all the girls who are going to one for the first time, it is very nerve racking! I'm all about supporting the Marines, and ladies we have to represent! So look good, feel great, and have a wonderful time with your man. Semper Fi!!!
ReplyDeleteFor the young girls reading this and feeling like they HAVE to look "sexy" for their man...
ReplyDeleteThere's a huge difference between sexy -
and slutty -
You can be sexy and gorgeous and look awesome without showing a lot of skin. A well tailored, well designed dress can be sexier than a bikini if you have the right attitude in it.
This isn't a contest to show off the most skin you can or look as trashy as you can, it's a time to celebrate your Marine and his brothers and look good doing it.
The rules I've always been given:
Any color is okay, as long as it's not neon. Pastels and darker colors are both great and you can go in a bright red or blue if that's what you want, but avoid shocking colors, neon yellow/orange/green/pink.
Shiny is okay, as long as you know how much enough is. A completely sequin dress is trashy. A dress with a gorgeous sequin or rhinestone design on it is elegant.
Cleavage is okay to an extent. Some of us would have to wear a high neck dress not to have any cleavage! But leave most of it to the imagination. Mystery (used correctly) turns men on way more than just outright showing your skin (think of Marilyn Monroe and how gorgeous she is wearing a one piece swimming suit, compared to some chicks these days in a bikini)
Slits, if you must have them, should not go above the knee. For the same reason as the cleavage.
Dresses should go to the floor IF it is a formal ball. A semi-formal ball you should be allowed knee length or tea-length. Best not to go with cocktail length or shorter. For the same reasons stated above.
But the best advice I've ever been given: NEVER make your dress a surprise for your Marine, make sure he is 100% okay with you wearing it because you aren't the one going to get made fun of for the next year for what you look like at the ball, he is. If he's okay with you going looking like a stripper, so be it. But that's his own problem when people start asking him how much his date cost.
The Marine Corps Ball is a 100% about being appropriate. I am a former Marine myself and married to one. As a female Marine in my uniform it was the most annoying thing to see the "strippers". It wasn't that I felt uncomfortable in my uniform it was just plain disrespectful and things like that are one of the reasons I had to fight so hard to earn respect as a woman in the Marine Corps. And now, as a wife, it's women like that who make it difficult to maintain a good reputation for the military wife title. I am 23, this year I am wearing a classy black dress that falls to the floor with a little clevage and some back showing. My husband thinks I look gorgeous and sexy in it. But it isn't too revealing and it is appropriate. My point is, as gorgeous women yourselves, you can find something appropriate and still look sexy.
ReplyDeleteThe ball is not necessarily about the man, it is about the history behind the Marine Corps. The way you act when you attend directly reflects how you feel about the Marine Corps, if you don't care enough about something that matters to your date to keep your mouth shut during the ceremony and wear something that doesnt make them look like they checked the local street corner first, then they probably only asked you because of how easy it was to get up your dress and all their buddies are laughing at you. Trust me I know, I used to be one of the buddies laughing.
P.S. If you need to wear a revealing dress to feel sexy, then you really should go find some self esteem and since of self worth.
I disagree with the comments about the ball being about the Marine or "him." IT'S NOT!!! It's not all about him. It is "his" obligation, is about the Marine Corps' birthday, history, and to honor and respect all those that have passed before us (both male and female Marines). Unless you've made a career out of it, you can never completely understand. As far as "accessory" goes, that needs to be re-thought as well. As Marines uphold the tradition, yes proper etiquette and appropriateness should be strictly observed, however many have no clue what is "proper" anymore as they try to implement their own tradition. In the past, entire courses and weeks of teaching what was proper were spent in preparation for the ball, and books on proper etiquette were required reads by the command before a Marine could even attend. It is a military function and a PRIVILEGE to attend (yes, even for the Marine) or be invited - that means non-military spouses as well. You are right, it is not about the "date" or high-minded invitee who thinks they can steal the show - honor, respect, tradition, and being appropriate can only be learned through many years of experience and learning about things that are bigger than yourself and very few people in their mid-20s are mature enough to even come close to entering the room properly, let alone have any other clue. What is commonly seen today at Marine Corps balls has been so relaxed from what it should be in an effort to adjust to modern times, however young "adults" have taken too much liberty with the privileges extended to them and have greatly diminished the true meaning of the ball.
ReplyDeleteSounds like some hating going on :-D
ReplyDeletethis is semi-related to the subject. I am wondering, females in the service(specifically the navy) do they have to wear their formals? (to the ball)
ReplyDeleteI think it depends on the command... I've seen wives from other branches attend the Marine Corps Ball in their formals, I think it's more out of pride... And on the other hand, i've seen wives who also happen to be Marines (from different units) attend the Marine Corps Ball for their husbands unit out of uniform (and in a regular formal dress)
ReplyDeleteoh okay. i assumed that that is how it worked but i was not sure. i am joining the navy and i was curious to know because my significant other is a marine.
ReplyDeleteI am going to my first military ball and I need opinions on what to wear. I def do not want to look trashy for this event. I found this dress and I need someone who knows to tell me if this is too much. Thanks!
This dress is doing a lot of things at once, cleavage, back exposed, and embellished... That said, if you're under 21 it should be okay. This looks more like a prom dress or pageant gown than an ball gown/evening dress, but it could be appropiate depending on your age. One rule I like is to pick your favorite feature, accentuate that with a simpler dress, then accesorize. Bottom line if your date likes it and you're comfortable, then go for it.
DeleteThis is my first one too! I am trying to get opinions of the older military wives so I do not stick out like a sore thumb. I would be ashamed to embarrass him. At first I was like I want to wear a ball gown and be all princess like but the more I read opinions, you want something sleek, classy ,formal, and modest. Its not about the wives it's about YOUR MARINE :) So support him by looking elegant. I get it :) You want to make HIM stand out, not YOU. Be honored he has chosen you as his date to the most important night of the year for his military career.
ReplyDeleteBy the way I really like your dress, I'm getting one from david bridals too! what do you think? i'd like opinions.
This is my first one too! I am trying to get opinions of the older military wives so I do not stick out like a sore thumb. I would be ashamed to embarrass him. At first I was like I want to wear a ball gown and be all princess like but the more I read opinions, you want something sleek, classy ,formal, and modest. Its not about the wives it's about YOUR MARINE :) So support him by looking elegant. I get it :) You want to make HIM stand out, not YOU. Be honored he has chosen you as his date to the most important night of the year for his military career.
ReplyDeleteBy the way I really like your dress, I'm getting one from david bridals too! what do you think? i'd like opinions.
This is my first one too! I am trying to get opinions of the older military wives so I do not stick out like a sore thumb. I would be ashamed to embarrass him. At first I was like I want to wear a ball gown and be all princess like but the more I read opinions, you want something sleek, classy ,formal, and modest. Its not about the wives it's about YOUR MARINE :) So support him by looking elegant. I get it :) You want to make HIM stand out, not YOU. Be honored he has chosen you as his date to the most important night of the year for his military career.
ReplyDeleteBy the way I really like your dress, I'm getting one from david bridals too! what do you think? i'd like opinions.
I am attending my first ball this fall. I have a beautiful all black silk halter top full length dress picked out. I have a lot of tattoos, the dress will hide my legs, but my arms and chest tattoo will be exposed. I was considering long black silk gloves to cover my arms. It would look classy with the gown. However I know how judgemental people can be especially jealous women, and my chest piece is bright and very well done..., should I have anything to worry about? Any advice? My fiancé loves my tattoos but I know not everybody likes tattoos especially older women.