Sunday, November 9, 2008

Borderline Harrassment?

Have you seen this video yet? A teacher named Diantha Harris goes around the room asking a bunch of 5th graders who they want to be President. She tells them it doesn’t matter, and that their choice is just as valid as the next kid’s. When the majority of the kids say they’re voting for Obama she has no comment, even when one says it’s only because he wants a black president. But when a little boy says he’s backing McCain, she blurts out “Oh Lord, John McCain” and when another says the same thing, she exclaims “Oh Jesus, John McCain.”

She then singles out a poor little girl who said she would vote for McCain because that's her her parents were voting for... She singled her out because her father was/is in the military. She tells this girl that her dad's fighting for "a senseless war", and goes on to say, "by the way Cathy, the person you pick as president said that our troops will stay in Iraq for for another 100 years if they need to. So that means your Daddy will have to stay in the military for another 100 years."

She then goes on to tell the interviewer that "I can support whom ever I want to support as long as I don't brown bag another person for the candidate they support. Like I have some students who support John McCain, and when they told me, I told them 'that's good' and I went, and I just moved on..."

How has this woman not been fired?!?

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