Congratulations Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama for defrauding your way into the position of President of the United States. Gunna give big props to Acorn for securing your win? Because between them media for falsely informing the general public and turning a blind eye to all your scandals... You really owe them one!

Anywayz, I am completely disgusted with our electoral process and all the corruption within it that leaves it completely open to fraud. I'm slightly confused how counties in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and Missouri can have more registered voters then there are actual adults who live in that county. Tell me how that makes since ANYWHERE and why no one is questioning it?
I find it incredibly odd that I spent the last 2 weeks hearing about how close Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania were and all of a sudden 15 minutes after polls close they're ready to call Ohio and Pennsylvania. I guess it's not that close when someone pulls a couple hundred thousand ballots out from under a table to stuff in some ballot box.

Anywayz, I really wanted to compare the red/blue states with the states that Acorn had campaign offices (outlined in yellow) and the states with KNOWN cases of voter fraud. Is it odd that all the states with voter fraud turned blue incredibly fast? With an exception of Missouri which at 7am is still undecided. But not a single state is red... 

Whatever. In the sprite of Michelle Osama... Err Obama... For the first time in my adult life I am NOT proud to be an American! This completely disgusts me. Not that some Democrat got elected. Hell if something happened to Obama tomorrow and Biden became the president elect or we could go back and elect Clinton (Hillary) I would be totally fine with it. However, I question a man to rose to power so incredibly fast and had sooooo much controversy surrounding him. I question because the media does not. Some one has to right? So whatever, ya'll screwed yourselves. And with a completely clean conscience I can say DO NOT BLAME ME, I VOTED FOR MCCAIN!
Well it should be interesting to see how long it takes everyone to get voters remorse... I'm just gunna sit back and say "told-ya-so". Alright... Hope everyone has a better day then me... I'm gunna go cling to my guns and religion now.
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